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Ariannas POV
Sooo currently I'm packing the kids bags cause we leave for Puerto Rico on Friday and today's Wednesday Miah and Kiana are coming with us with I'm very excited about cause I love them both. "Miah" I yelled cause I needed her "yeah" she said coming in the room "where are your airforces" I asked

"Ramerio has them" she said "go get em" I said. As I put manii's shoes in the bag. "What are u doing" Kimetrius said coming in the room and laying down on Mani's bed. "Packing for Puerto rico" I said "how bout you save that for later and come play with me" he said shutting his phone off and looking at me.

"I gotta get this finished baby I already did Jordan's and I'm multitasking doing miah's and mani's" I said as I put three folded shirts of miah's into a bag "Come her for a second" he said "nooo I gotta finish" I said complaining as Miah came into the room with a shoe box. She handed it to me "thanks mama" I said "your welcome" she said hugging my leg.

I hugged her back and she walked out of the room. "Your so skinny" I said looking At Kimetrius "ion no how I eat just about everything" he said. I laughed "take a break" he said "no brokie" I said. I call him brokie now cause of his arm "quit calling me that" he said.  "No" I said He got up "come find me when your done" he said as he went to walk out of the room.

He slid his hand under my neck and pulled my face up. He kissed me twice then pulled away biting my lip "mmm stop" I moaned lowley he smiled as he walked out of the room. I finished packing the two bags and I went and put them nicely bye the door then went and looked for Kimetrius.

Ramerios POV
Kiana can't walk....she tried to get up this morning to go to the bathroom and she fell "baby come here" I said from the bathroom "ramerio" she said. "Huh" I said "now u no" she said. I laughed as I walked out to her picking her up. I carried her into the bathroom. I sat her on the counter. "You really can't walk" I asked.

"I probably can now" she said "let's see" i said pulling her off the counter. I put her down one the floor. Her legs shaked a little bit and then I let her go. She started walking but she was limping hard. "Okay then" I said laughing. She walked back over to me and I put Her back on the counter.  "What you got planned for today" I asked

"We gotta pack for Puerto Rico" kiana said "we already did what you mean" I said as I played with my hair  "we did" she said "Yeah our bags are downstairs" I said as I laughed "oh" she said "dick got you losing your memory" I said laughing "shut up" She said hopping off the counter and walking into the room she went downstairs.

I followed behind her as Kimetrius came out of the kids room "what happened to you" Kimetrius said to Kiana "I fell" she said as she limped over to the chair. I sat next to her. "What's up with you brokie" I said "Ramerio I don't wanna here it from you should I bring up your middle name" he said "how do you no it" I asked

"I have your birth certificate so get on my level boy" he said slapping a booklet down in front of me. "What's this" I asked "Miah's passport bro look at her picture she was so pressed" Kimetrius said I opened it looking at the picture. "Omg" I said laughing. "I just noticed y'all have the same middle name" Kimetrius said.

"Imma start calling you Alexis" Kimetrius said "Yeah ight" I said "Imma be like ALEXISSSS OH ALEXIS COME HERE" he said " who the fuck is Alexis" Arianna said coming from the kids room "me" I said raising both of my arms. "Oh yeah your middle name" she said "Ramerio Alexis Jr." kiana said.

"Don't get any ideas" I said to Kiana. Arianna walked up behind Kimetrius "why are you so skinny" I asked "I litterally asked him the same thing" Arianna said. "I don't no I eat everthing and can't gain weight" he said as he looked down he laughed as I seen Ariannas hand over his dick.

"Ew" I said laughing. "Take that upstairs" I said. Kimetrius turned around picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder "do not disturb" he said walking away. I laughed getting up and getting in the fridge. I grabbed the cheesecake from last night and cut a big piece off for me and kiana "merio" Miah said coming out of the rooms

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