Arianna's POV It's currently 1 in the morning and I just fucked Kimetrius. He pulled his sweatshirt on then put his hat on. "Did that really just happen" I said still shocked "yeah it did" he said as he sat back I grabbed my phone and got on Instagram. I got on my snap and turned my camera to him he smiled as I took his picture. I saved it then got on Instagram "your just gonna post it like nothing happened' he asked "nope" I said as I posted the picture.
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Itsaribitch: I'm not gonna argue constantly so working it out is the deal💯
YbnManny: I'mglad yall working shit out man call me later sis
YbnNahmir: yeah work that shit out yall been going threw to much
Kaiser23: Yall got this hml AriI gotta tell you some.
YbnGlizzy:yall got it hml
I hearted the comments and shut my phone off. "Kiana's pregnant" I said "with who's kid" he asked "kaidens" I said. "Oh" he said I shook my head we sat there quietly "I think we should talk about everything" I said. He sighed "alr" I said. "Imma tell you this" he said. "I never ment to hurt you I was stupid and went and cheated honestly I didnt mean to it all happened so fast if I could go back in time I would" he said I sat there then leaned over grabbing my braw. "Ok let's pause on the cheating issue for the moment" I said "ok" he said.
"Why did u lay hands on me, you said no matter what we go threw you would never lay hands on me " I asked lowley "ion no honestly I will never in my life do it again I felt bad that I did it" he said "so you didnt mean to but you did" I said "yeah" he said lowley. I sat there "are we ever gonna get back together" he asked "ion no" I said lowley. "I've gotta get back to the kids" kimetrius said "alr" I said he got up and walked out of the room. I layed there and didnt say anything I took my braw off laying down I layed there till I fell asleep
Hours later.
Josiahs POV I'm on my way to Ariannas I actually was at this girl that I met a while ego's house we didnt fuck she did give me head tho. I only did it cause I seen ariannas post on instagram that Kimetrius was over. I know they fucked so oh well I pulled up to Ariannas house going inside. I went upstairs seeing her laying in the bed. She did have a shirt on I pulled the bottom of the blanket up seeing she was completely naked. I took my shirt off and undid my belt. I grabbed the bottom of the blanket going under it. I grabbed her legs spreading them apart. I'm gonna do her better then Kimetrius ever has. I flipped her on her back and started leaving hickeys on her thighs
Ariannas POV
I felt someone grabb my thighs. They flipped me on my back and started kissing on my thighs I moaned lowley feeling him get closer to me "stop pulling away" the deep voice said I felt his tongue swipe against me fastly I moaned and reached down grabbing his head it was Josiah. His tongue went up against me again. I moaned loudly "stop running" he said against me. I screamed he laughed. Ion no what he was doing but he had me hitting Mariah Carey high notes. He came up from under the blanket. I grabbed his pants pulling him down.