Far Away

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It was a busy day in school and you were exhausted. You came home and made yourself some quick ramen and took a nap on the couch with the alarm set for 5PM.
You were thinking about your day and slowly drifting off to sleep.

*insert annoying alarm sound*

You groan at the annoying sound of the alarm and moments later crawl off the couch. You were sad that you had to leave the overly comfortable couch and get ready for dance. You put on a warm hoodie with some shorts and put your hair in a ponytail. You made sure you had everything. Your keys, phone and wallet. After locking the door you put in your earbuds and started listening to EXO- Love shot.

(Btw I really love this song)

After getting to the dance studio you started dancing to BTS- DNA.


(Time skip)

It was 8: 30 PM when you finished dancing. You were exhausted and ready to go home. You packed all your belongings and didn't put in your earbuds because when you were little eomma said to always listen to your surroundings when it's late.

(Eomma is always right)

Hm. I wonder how eomma is doing in heaven?

You left the studio and started walking home being VERY aware of your surroundings. You looked every direction every 10 seconds. After a few minutes of doing so you saw a suspicious black van driving towards you from behind. You were eyeing it very closely. When it got closer you started walking faster. The faster you walked the more it closer it got.
Eventually you started running to you home. You were running when you bumped into someone older than you.
He had black hair and cute bunny teeth. He was dressed in a grey hoodie which covered his head and wore some simple black jeans.

"Oh, uhhh. I'm uh- sorry! I wasn't looking!" You blurted out. You didn't know if he was just there to distract you. "Hey Uhm, do you know how to get to the centre of the city?" He asked me. Why would anyone need to go to the centre of the city this late? The van eventually got really close and started to slow down next to you. Your heart was racing by now and you took a deep breath and tried to run. You could say you succeed until you felt someone harshly grab your wrist. The boy was holding onto your wrist really tightly.

"Wha- What are you doing?! LET ME GO!" You yelled at him pinching his hand. "Ow, don't do that it hurts." He said still holding onto you. The black van pulled up next to the both of you and it's main door slid open to reveal five more guys in the "lobby" of the van. The boy started bringing you closer to the van and you were kicking your feet in the air hoping he would lose grip on your wrists. A few moments later you were being forcefully pushed into the van.


More like, kidnapped?


"Stop! Let me go please!" You begged him. "Sorry, but orders are orders." He said. Wait? Orders? Shit. This was a gang. You were harshly thrown onto the vans floor and it caused your arm to be bruised. You were looking around trying to find a way to escape. But not surprisingly there was no way out. You then started to look at the people surrounding you.

1, 2, 3, 4.... 6?

" Is she in?" You heard someone say from the drivers seat.

Oh no wait, 7.

"Yup" Said the one that forcefully pushed you into the van. He slammed the door shut and then the driver was taking us somewhere. You were so scared that you couldn't even cry.
You looked all around you and were shivering. You cornered yourself into the very corner of the van and everyone looked-

[I'm (not) Sorry :)] <A BTS FF>Where stories live. Discover now