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You were still in your room even after hours had passed. You didn't feel like going anywhere or seeing anyone at all.
Your phone was the only source of entertainment you had. Ever since Shooky ran away everything has been going downhill. Hoseok hates you more and more every second. You didn't know what his problem was. You were stressing out thinking about the reasons why he would hate you. Usually Yoongi was the one to despise you the most and Hoseok the closest one to you, but now they switched roles.
Or is this a plan?

Your train of thoughts was cut off by the sound of your door swingin open.
"Y/N guess what!" Jin Said.
"What?!" You asked scared from the sudden noise. "You're going on a mission with us again, come on there's not much time left!" He said. You lifted yourself off the bed and dressed up in a long camp jacket with skinny black jeans and a black t-shirt. You also put on a mask for fun.

You went downstairs where everyone was getting prepared. You were getting used to the missions so you started hiding weapons in the thousands of pockets the jacket had. For once you were excited about the missions. You were starting to think wild thoughts of wild ways to kill the others and pour out all of your anger on your victims.

All eyes were on you. They were surprised that you could handle weapons by yourself. You noticed them staring. "What?" You asked. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do ANYTHING." You said. Everyone went back to doing their things and you all wen into the black van that you had many memories in. You stared out the window. You saw an unfamiliar road that you were driving on. It made you suspicious in many ways, but you would see lots of new things when you're on missions like these.

It didn't take long to arrive to the abandoned bank looking building. Of course it wouldn't take long when Yoongi would be the one driving. He always speeds through everything. You all got out. You saw another van approaching from the distance. Once the doors of the van opened the 8 people that were in there poured out.
You were surprised as one of the 8 people was a girl about your age.

She had black hair and looked like she was ready to kill like you were. Your hands sitffened as you were ready to pull out the knives. The girl looked at you dead in the eye, but you kept a dead looking face. Making it clear that you didn't give a fuck. Yoongi and the others had looks that could kill with the blink of an eye. It was scary actually, but you were more concentrated on the moment the other are going to attack.

Everyone stayed quiet. You couldn't help but wonder what was taking so long. Hoseok went to get something from the van. All eyes of the enemies were on him. You were distracted. It was that time of the day where your head would just remember random painful or happy memories which you didn't have much of. The nightmare was now replaying in your head which kept you stiff. The two teams looked like they were fighting for something, but no action was being done.

"How about this." One of the enemies said. "We both got girls on our teams so how about they decide on who gets the prize." He continued. "What do you say Agust?" He reffered to Yoongi. Yoongi kept quiet for a bit until shaking hands with the bastard. Everyone backed away from you and the girl was brought up to the front. She looked pissed, but friendly at the same time. You were beginning to rethink your decisions, but it was too late.

You both stood away from each other.
You stood there until Hoseok returned with tho swords in his hands. Oh fuck me! I have to do sword fighting?!


You were both handed swords. The girl launched at you without hesitation. She was close to hitting you, but you blocked it. Your sword collided with hers. The sound of metal hitting against metal was ringing through your ears. You were succeeding at blocking the hits being thrown at you until you felt a sharp pain in your side. It took you a few moments to realise that your side was cut open. You've felt worse pain before so you decided to bare with it. Blood was spilling uncontrollably from the wound and you had to do something about it. You pushed the girl down to the floor. She landed harshly and rolled around in pain. You I took the time to tie your jacket around the wound to stop some of the bleeding.
You grabbed hold of your sword again and so did she. She couldn't get up in time and you took the chance to take the sword from her. You used both of the swords to keep her down. One sword on the left side of her head and the other on the right. You didn't stab her though.

"You win" She said while smiling sweetly. She brought her hand out for you to shake it. You shook it.

"Mina." She introduced herself.
"Y/N" you answered smiling. You helped her off the ground. Everyone was surprised. "Friends?" She asked.
Her words left not only the guys shocked, but you were shocked as well.
You nodded your head and you both hugged for a bit. You exchanged numbers and by ran off to your own teams.

"What the fuck was that?!" Yoongi Asked. You shrugged your shoulders. Hoseok went to claim the prize. It was a suitcase filled with god knows what. You all sat in the van. Before you got in you waved to Mina and she did the same.


WOw this might leave you jungshook, but I had no other ideas. I felt like Y/N needed a friends so I decided to give her one. The storyline may seem bullshit and trust me it is.

By the way!

Y/N now has a birthday!!

It's the 10th of March!!!


Bye bye 사랑 You all!!

-1055 words-

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