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The ride home was surprisingly quiet. No ranting no nothing. You almost fell asleep while looking out the window. The buildings of different shapes, sizes and colours would catch your attention for a split second before passing by. You looked at all the people having fun, smiling and hanging out with others. They were free. Unlike you. You wish you had that freedom. You wish you had a friend that wouldn't betray you.
It seems like the world hates you. Everything would be fine if you werent kidnapped. Maybe you would still be free and happy. You wish you could change everything. You didn't want this life, being held hostage one moment and then being cuddled the other. The way their personalities could change in a split second surprises you. They would cuddle to gain your trust and comfort and then use you for their sick desires. Even thinking about all the things made your stomach curl. You were so lost in your thoughts. And then the feeling. You felt so miserable that you could even feel your eyes getting dull. You felt useless, weak and miserable. The levels of sadness you hit were beyond the limits.

"Are you gonna stay in here?" Yoongi Asked. You then realised that you were in front of the mansion you call home.
You opened the door and got out without saying a word. You walked past everyone in the living room without saying a word. Until Hoseok grabbed your wrist. "Let me go." You demanded with the dead facial expression. He didn't let go. "What's your problem?" You asked yanking your hand out of his grip. He only grabbed it stronger. You were being dragged to what seems like his bedroom. You fight against his grip.
He seems to be frustrated. You were getting pissed too. You lost your patience and leaned down to bite his arm. You sunk your teeth into his arm and he let go.

"Fuck!" He yelled. He started chasing you. You put all the energy you had into your legs and went straight for the living room. You almost knocked over Jin that was walking towards the kitchen. You grabbed a nearby chair and held it above your head. Hoseok stood still and thought about what to do. "Come closer and this chair will be apart of your face!" You threatened. You head a chuckle from Jungkook.
"Wow, someone's pissed?" He teased.
"Same goes to you!" You yelled. The noise you made covered up the sound of Hoseoks footsteps. You felt his presence nearby and swung the chair. It almost hit him. He took the change and pushed you down. You fell on your left elbow. Ouch.

"Fuck you man!" You yelled while rolling on the floor and holding your injured elbow. You inhaled a sharp breath through gritted teeth. Tears were stinging your eyes. You didn't allow yourself to cry. You got up from the floor and ran to your room. You knew that if you stayed there longer you would cry and give Hoseok a reason to laugh at you.

"Yeah, go cry about it!" You heard him yell. That little mf. You were so pissed that you could punch him if you could lift your arm. You then realised you couldn't lift your arm. Well shit.
Every time you tried to it hurt like hell.
You went to look into the mirror.


"You're, ugly." You whispered to yourself. You saw that the wound on your cheek was almost done healing. You checked around for the scares your coach mentioned. Damn, that's a lot.
Shot wounds, cuts, bruises, and lots of bullshit that shouldn't be on your body.
Your elbow really hurt. You heard the door to your room open.

"Everything okay?" You heard a familiar voice say. You kept quiet and hid behind the bed. "I know you're in here." The voice said. You recognised that voice as Yoongis. Oh great.

"Why do you care?" You asked. He followed your voice and found your hiding spot. "What are you doing?"
"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" You shouted.
You raised your injured hand to push him away, but immediately regretted your decision. Your elbow sent pain throughout your whole arm and you retreated it back. "Can't lift your arm?" He asked you. You hid your face and grabbed onto your elbow. "Come on I know it hurts." He said. "So what?" You asked still hiding your face. "You need help?" He asked. "Wha- NO! NOT FROM SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" You shouted. "Stop shouting already!" He shouted. You shut your mouth. It was a few seconds of silence. "Go away." You said. "Excuse me?" He said. "Go away!" You shouted. "This is my home." He said while crossing his arms. "Why the fick did I have to get kidnapped by 7 douchebags?" You asked him. He chuckled. "You seemed like fun." He said. You knew exactly what he meant. You were as red as a beet. "Couldn't you have found someone else?" You asked. "No" he answered.


Wuz zis wuz zis.

I'm (not) sorry is about to hit 90 reads yall. I've never had so many reads on one story :)))))


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Omg I sound like one of those Indian scammers lmao.



(Idfk if I spelled that right lmao)

-919 words-

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