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You were crying, but you were crying from happiness. It may take a while, but everything will soon be over. You'll be free, from them, from the patina and guilt that haunts you from your childhood. All the shame, fear, and sadness will disappear. "Don't cry, it's too late now." Jungkook Said as he was shuffling through all the tools. You were scared, but happy to get it over with. "Thank you." You said while looking up at Hoseok. You smiled. For the first time. A real smile. Real happiness. He slapped you. "Bitch! You're not supposed to be happy! This is suppose to be hell for you!" He yelled. You lowered your head, but still smiled so he wouldn't see. You've never felt so happy. You couldn't help, but laugh. "What's so funny?" Jimin Asked.
"I'll... I'll finally be free!" You shouted.
This angered Hoseok even more. He started approaching you, but was stopped by Jungkook. "Hyung, calm down." Jungkook Said while pushing Hoseok back. Jimin went to get something. Minutes passed. "What's taking so long?" You asked them. "Shut up before we change our mind." You shut your mouth immediately. This was probably the last chance that you have to be free. There's nothing left to lose. No friends, no family, nothing is left for you to lose. This world is hell already. The things people say about looking into the future for something good. Fuck that, you've tried it many times but it didn't work. Not once. All you found out was that your mother killed herself and that's as good as it gets. Your brother betrayed you. He made fun of you along with father. Mother was a hard worker and worked 16 hours a day. All the money she would make would be taken away by father and brother. Father would buy brother anything he would want and use the rest on alcohol. Life was a mess and got even messier when you got a part time job. You earned money that would still be taken away. Soon fathers alcochol problem turned into chaos. He would abuse you, hit you and verbally cut you down into NOTHING.

You still have a few scars. And then,
You get kidnapped. Tortured and held hostage. Fuck life.

"Why don't you just kill me now?" You begged. Everyone looked at you pissed off. Namjoon walked over to you and yanked on your hair. "Listen, our house we decide what we want to do in it. You're just another one of the victims. You should be grateful that you don't live in the same condition as they did." He said. He made you feel ashamed with yourself. You felt the guilt flood in again. "Are you sure?" You asked. This earned you a slap. You've had enough. Your patience ran low. You took the chain and twirled it around your neck. You tightened it. The need for oxygen made you cough which brought the attention of others. They were quick to pull the chain off. "You dumbass! You're not killing yourself! Were killing you!" Yoongi yelled at you. "THEN DO IT!" You yelled at him. He pushed you to the wall and they all left. You were confused. You started to scream. Tears stung your eyes. "KILL ME!" You yelled sounding like a complete psychopath.

You knew how to break loose from these chains. So you did. You went over to the torture tool box. You picked up a knife and aimed it at your chest. Specifically your heart. You were about to stab when you heard the door open. The knife was taken from you and you were pinned to the wall. The one who did this was Yoongi.

"Did I not make myself clear?" He asked, no more like yelled. "Well if you won't do it, I'll do it myself!" You yelled. His grip on your wrists hurt. The blood flow was slowly being cut off and you felt your hands getting cold. "I think I've changed my mind." He said. You froze. Tears were dripping from your eyes uncontrollably. "Wait! Please! Yoongi!!" You begged. "I've changed my mind. You're living." He said. "No! no No NO!" You yelled. "Yoongi please!!!!!!!" You yelled. He put his hand over your mouth. "Shut up. It's done for." He said. You fought against his grip. You bit his arm in four different places. Once he was away from you you ran. You ran into the overly familiar forest. You made you way to the bridge. You without hesitation stood on the edge. You looked down and wanted to back away. It looked scary, but everything will be over. "What are you doing?" You asked yourself. "Jump." You said. "JUMP Y/N!" You yelled at yourself. Tears were dripping. You tried to leap forward, but your body wouldn't let you. You stood still. "What the fuck are you doing?! Just jump damn it!" You kept yelling.

"Dumbass, if you're running away then atleast don't give away your position." Yoongi said. "Stay away!" You yelled.
"Or what?" He asked. "I'll jump!" You yelled. He laughed. "You can't even bring yourself to do it." He said. "Want me to give you a push?" He asked. You shook your head. "Then What are you waiting for?" He asked you. "For you to leave!" You yelled. "I want some privacy on the day of my death!" You kept yelling. "I don't care." He said. He was shameless. "You know just think about the shit you can do while you're alive." He said. That struck a nerve. "SHUT UP! YOU KNOW NOTHING!" You yelled at him. He walked closer. You froze.




the voice in your head yelled. You slipped. Your heart dropped. You didn't fall. You were pulled back by Yoongi. He was holding onto your waist. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You shouted while hitting his back. "Fuck you." He said while he pulled you to safety. "Min fucking Yoongi let me go!" You yelled.
Your screaming was cut off by a kiss.


OoOOoOoOoh shit.

-사랑 yall!

-1019 words-

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