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You woke up to the sound of meowing.
It sounded close which startled you. You opened your eyes and saw the same white kitten, the one that Hoseok killed. It was fine. It came close to you and snuggled in your armpit. You pay its head and hugged it. That means it's alive. He didn't kill it. If he didn't kill the kitten then what did he kill?

The door opened which scared you in ways words can't describe. This time the door opened softly not like to other times where it even hit the wall. It was Jin. He had food in his hands. You were glad Hoseok switched places with Jin, because if Hoseok would bring you food he would probably put poison in it.

"Hey." Jin greeted you and you answered quietly hugging the kitty tighter, fearing Jin would take it away.
"Hey I won't take it from you." He said while handing you the bowl of ramen.
"Thanks." You said and started eating.
You saw Jin getting near the door and stopped him.

"Wait! You know... it's really lonely down here. Maybe you should stay?" You asked shyly. He laughed and sat down beside you. You couldn't believe the best company you had was the guy that shot you like 3 times.

"Why are you keeping me here?" You asked. He sighed and looked down to his feet. "I can't tell you." He said.
That made you sad and even more worried. "Look, can we make a deal?" You asked. He turned to look at you confused. "You let me out for the day.
Curfew at 10PM and I come back. Deal?" You asked. He was silent for a few seconds. "I don't know. I mean it's all up to Yoongi." He said. Oh for fuck sakes! It's always Yoongi, Yoongi and Yoongi! It's like they can't breathe without his help.

You looked down dissapointed. The kitty was still on your lap. You passed the bowl to Jin and pat the kitty.

"Okay you can leave now." You said.

<Jins P.O.V.>

"Okay you can leave now." Y/N Said with disappointment in her voice.
You took the bowl and started going upstairs and went into the house. You put the dishes in the sink and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Yoongi Asked you.
You turned around and ran your hands through your hair. "Y/N wants to make a deal." You said. "What deal?" Yoongi Asked confused. "She said that if we let her out for the day to get some fresh air maybe even make friends or have some social life, she would be back here by 10PM." You said. Yoongi looked at you dumbfounded and went to the basement. You didn't know what he would do to Y/N, just thinking about it makes your skin crawl.

<Y/N's P.O.V.>

You were playing with the kitty thinking about what name to give it.
Hmm... How about....


Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening harshly. Moments later you found Yoongi standing right in front of you. You hugged the kitty tight like it was the last thing you had in this world. Thinking about it. This is the last thing you have in the world.

"So you're saying that you would be home by 10PM if we let you out?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Hm, are you sure you won't run away for the 3rd time?" He asked. You nodded your head slowly. "Alright then, pinky promise." He said. "On your life." He continued to speak. You brought your hand out and interwined pinkies with Yoongi. Shooky made movements which caught Yoongis attention.
"What's this?" He asked. You got really scared because Yoongi is the type of person to make you feel upset. He would take away the cat and you didn't want that. "This is Shooky, don't take him away." You said hugging Shooky.

He sighed and released you from the chains. You picked up Shooky and followed Yoongi upstairs. It was dark outside. When you walked in you were blinded by lights. You were so used to being in the dark. You saw everyone sitting in the living room on the sofa.

"Oh, look who's back." Hoseok Said and began to glare at Shooky. "And how did you get that thing back?" He asked pointing at Shooky. "It's not a thing and it has a name!" You said.
He chuckled . "That's a ridiculous name." He said. You were offended.
You ignored him and went to your room. You went to the bathroom to wash Shooky because god knows where he's been. After washing him you blowdried his fur and placed him on your bed. Then you went down to the kitchen, grabbed bowl and filled it up with milk. You heard laughter from behind you. "Are you gonna drink that?" Jungkook asked and Hoseok laughed along with Jungkook. You ignored them both and went to your room so Shooky could finally drink something. You gave Shooky the bowl and he started drinking it. You watched as he picked up the milk with his small tongue. You looked at the time and it was 10PM already. You were planning to go the store to get Shooky some cat food, but it was already past your curfew. Shit.

You ran down into the kitchen and asked everyone if they could go and get Shooky something to eat, but they all just lazily answered that they don't want to. You sighed and left. Shooky was sleeping on the bed. He looked so cute. You layed down next to Shooky and hugged him. You fell asleep while hearing Shookys soft purrs.


This is unedited and I don't know what autocorrect did this time, but I hope that everything is understandable.

Actually I was planning on naming the cat Suga, but then I remembered that Yoongi was already being called that. So sad 😞

Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you're not getting bored of this cliche of a story!

Lots of 사랑 to evrybody!

-1014 words-

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