Nightmare (2)

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It was 1AM. You woke up from a nightmare. The images started flashing through your head again. You feared everyone in here so much even words couldn't describe it. You were shaking.
You couldn't close your eyes for a second. A few moments later you started sobbing uncorntrolably. The noise from your room seemed to get Yoongis attention. Your door opened.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. You pretended you were alseep. You didn't want to talk to anyone. You wanted to disappear at this very moment, but sadly you couldn't. "I know you're awake." He said as he got closer to you and eventually sat down on the bed. Yo scooted further away from him. You still didn't trust anyone no matter how sweet they look or how nice they act. They aren't like that. You've seen everything they've done. You felt like everyone in this world would just backstab you. You felt arms wrapped around your waist and you were softly pulled closer to another body. It took you moments to realise yhat you were being hugged by Yoongi. You knew this wouldn't go well. You knew he would try to gain your trust and then use you for his sick desires.

You calmed down a little bit. You felt...


You stopped crying. "Should I stay here?" He asked. You nodded your head. You didn't know why. You closed your eyes and felt even safer than in eommas hands. Speaking of eomma. You never felt safe in her or appas hands. They would abuse you. They would make you feel worthless.
Thinking back to your past made you wonder about the future. Were you going to spend the rest of your life in here? You wanted to get a job, a house, a person you could trust and create a family with. But you couldn't. You were trapped here. After the clock hits 10 the freedom is gone. It's lights out.

You were drifting away in to sleep when you felt a leg collide with your leg. And then an arm collided with your back. Damn he kicks a lot in his sleep.
You tried to wake him up, but that didn't work out either. His arms were still wrapped around your waist making it impossible for you to move away. You accepted fate and fell asleep.

You were in your childhood home. What? But weren't you just sleeping with Y•|‰}{¿¡'?

What? You tried to say his name, but all that came out was a strange static noise. You heard a little girl scream from downstairs. That scream was too familiar. You later recognised it as your own scream. You rushed downstairs and saw a little girl crouched down, her mother standing in front of her and glass shards which used to be a shot glass.

That little girl was...


You felt liquid running downy your face. Your vision got blurry from all of the tears. Everything was repeating. Your whole past. The wounds on your arms started opening again and the red liquid spilled out of them. Your heart was pounding out of control. Your breathing was in a terrible state.
You felt like your lungs were being crushed by bricks. You fell to your knees observing everything around you. You looked up at the little girl which was now laying on her side with a bloody cheek, mother nowhere to be seen.

You were terrified. You needed safety.
"Y•|‰}{¿¡'!!!, Y•|‰}{¿¡'?!,"
You yelled out the static noise. You were shaking. You were getting nauseous. You felt like all of your stomachs contents were about to climb out of your throat. You covered your mouth. Everything was so confusing.
You didn't know what was going on.

You were shaken awake. "Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice call your name.
Your eyes settled on a figure that was next to you. Your face was wet form the tears and you were shaking. "Y/n. What's wrong?" He asked. You then realised it was Yoongi. You tried to open your mouth to say his name, but you were afraid of the static noise. Ever since the nightmare it kept ringing through your head. Like a bell being hit repeatedly. You couldn't take it anymore. You broke free of his grip and went to the bathroom. You kneeled over the toiled and spilled all of your stomachs contents out. After that you couldn't even stand up. Your body was weaker than ever. You held onto random objects for support. You lost you balance and hit your head on the sink. The last thing you remember is Yoongi running into the bathroom.



So I know some of you might be disgusted by all the blood and vomiting heuehueh.

Don't kill me.

Lots of 사랑 to everyone!


-803 words-

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