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You woke up on the same cold floor that you hated. Your head hurt like hell and your whole body ached. It took you some time to notice Jimin sitting on a chair I the corner. You looked over at him and he was looking at you.

"What are you looking at?" He wuestioned while smirking. You turned your head away. "Are you going to kill me?" You asked as tears started to sting your eyes. "I don't know. It's up to the one you made a promise to you LIAR!" He yelled as he slapped you. The tears that were being held back began pouring out. He grabbed you by your chin and brought his face really close to yours. His hands were cold against your chin. "You'll die a painful and slow death." He said while a grin creeped up his face. He was psychotic no doubt. You struggled against his grip. He grabbed your neck forcefully, but his actions were interrupted by Yoongi walking in. "Alright Jimin, play time is over." He said while pointing to the door signaling Jimin to leave. He shoved you to the wall and left. You were scared of what will happen next.

"So. Liar." He said while looking down at you dissapointed. You felt shame in every part of your body. You wanted to melt away and hide for the rest of your life. "Don't ignore me, you know what you did. You know I don't like liars." He said making you feel more ashamed. "So What's are you gonna do with me?" You asked. "Huh?" He simply said. "WHAT WILL YOU DO TO ME?!" You yelled at him. "Let me think. Maybe we should all do something to you?" He said. That made your heart drop to the pits of hell. " I thought we were friends, but you turned out just like everyone else. A traitor." You said while hiding your face. "Me? A traitor? You're the one who lied to me. You broke a promise." He said. "I said it was an accident!" You yelled earning a slap from him. "Don't yell at me." He said. You stayed quiet. You were thinking about how to get out of this hell hole. The deal was off and you had absolutely no freedom. "If you kill me then atleast I can say my thoughts." You said. He looked at you in curiosity. "FUCK ALL OF YOU!" You yelled while shooting up two middle fingers. "Kill me! Do it Agust!!!" You yelled knowing that it would kiss him off more. Wait! What are you doing Y/N?! You're making this worse than it already is. The words that slipped from your mouth really pissed him off. He grabbed your neck and began strangling you. You were gasping for air. If you would die than you atleast said all of your thoughts. You'd ratchet die than live here. The pain was too much so you bit his hand. "Fuck!" He yelled while retreating. You saw the anger boil up inside of him. He grabbed a pocket knife from his pocket and put it in your mouth positioning it so if it slid then it would cut your mouth.

"I'll take you deep down into hell." He said as you felt the knife touch the corner of your lip. You moved your head a bit which caused the knife to cut a little bit into your skin. His grip on the knife tightened. You grinned.
"Do it. AgustD" that was the last straw.
You shut your eyes preparing yourself for the intense pain that was about to occur. You right cheek was completely cut. A line from the corner of your lip to your ear was made. The cut was deep and you felt blood rush down your cheek. You screamed in pain. You've never felt something this terrible.

"Should Jungkook give you some stitches?" He asked amused. You glared at him. He stood up and left.

Blood was still flowing down your cheek, but that wasn't what bothered you right now. Right now you needed to leave. You spotted a pair of keys that belonged to the chain hung up on a wall. You know they belong to the chains because you saw them before.
You couldn't reach them. You looked around the room and found one of the torture tools on the floor. That would be perfect for breaking the chains. You just needed to stretch your arm far enough. You stretched your arm very far with your fingertips touching the weapon. You stretched even further and finally reached it. You took it and began hitting it against the first loop of the chain. It took a while but you broke one of them off. Your right hand was now free and you needed to free you left. You did the same for the left and now both hands were free. You picked up the chains and held them in your hands so they wouldn't make too much noise. You took the keys and unlocked the chains. Your hands were now completely free. You rushed through the door and ran into the same forest and then to the city. "I'm dead if they find me." You muttered to yourself.





사랑 yall 💜

-894 words-

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