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You didn't sleep the whole night. You didn't know what they would do with you after you fell asleep so you didn't allow your eyes to close. It was cold down here and lonely. There was a small window with bars that showed a bit of the outside world. How you miss breathing in the fresh air. You continued to stare out the window wide eyed when you saw a small white figure squeeze through the bars. It was a kitten. It's fur was white and it had beautiful blue eyes. It was shaking from the cold and so were you.

It came closer to you. You brought out your hand which made the chains squeak. The kitten took a step back in fear. You stood still with your hand put out telling the kitten that it was okay and you wouldn't hurt it. The kitten came closer and let you pet it. After a few monutes of petting it crawled on your lap and layed down. It's purring reminded you so much of the cat you had as a child. You almost fell asleep when the door shot open. The sudden noise scared the kitty awake. It squeezed its body closer to yours and you hugged the scared kitten.

"Where'd you get that from?" Asked Hoseok. "It crawled through the bars into here. Don't hurt it." You begged.
He looked at you in confusion as if you were lying, but you weren't. He came closer to you and you hugged the kitten tighter. "Give it to me." He said coldly. You shook your head refusing to give it to him. He walked closer and attempted to grab it from you, but you wouldn't let him. You were shielding the kitty from the hands of Hoseok with your body. The kitty was behind you. You used your hands to stop Hoseoks from reaching it.

"Y/N! It's just a cat!" He shouted. This is the first time you were seeing him angry and it was scary, but you cared about the poor animal more. "No it's not! It's the only thing that makes me happy in this hell hole!" You shouted back. He shoved you to the side and took the kitty harshly. The kitty made a small meow of help before it was being taken away. You were pulling at the chains hoping they would release you, but they didn't. Hoseok left with the cat and god knows what he's gonna do with it.

You spent the next 2 hours sobbing thinking about the kitty. Your sobbing was interrupted by Hoseok that walked into the basement. You looked that e was covered in blood. You began to cry uncontrollably. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT?!" You shouted at him.
" It won't bother you anymore." He said while smiling. That made the anger boil up in you. You were pulling at the chains more harshly than before. Hoseok watched you in amusement."
"That won't work anymore." He said while laughing at you. You kept trying, but nothing worked. You ran out of strength and gave up. You collapsed onto the floor and layed down on it.
"You're tired?" He said. You ignored him. "Hey. No one ignores me." He said while walking closer to you. You couldn't respond. You were feeling this new feeling. It was loneliness mixed with fear sadness and confusion. You felt hopeless. What is this?

He grabbed you by your hair and yanked your head up. He positioned your face to look at his. You didn't make eye contact with him. He was staring you down. Your eyes were dull.
You finally decided to look into his eyes. They were scary, but you didn't care. You didn't want to move anymore. Everything hurt. You were starving and thirsty. This isn't the Hoseok you remember. The one who always brought you food, the one you could talk to. This was a side you've never seen of him.

"You're still ignoring me?" He asked even more angered than before. You still didn't answer. Moments later your cheek met a hard hand. Your cheek was burning up from the pain. You held your cheek with your right hand. Then you realised he slapped you. With that he dropped you on the floor and walked out of the basement. Your scalp hurt from all the hair pulling. You decided to go to sleep because you were restless. When you layed down you saw the kitty's blood smeared on your hand and clothes. That made you sad in ways words couldn't describe. You were sad but didn't cry. You couldn't do anything anymore. You closed your eyes and fell asleep on the cold, hard floor.



I already have 3 chapters of mic drop written. I'm really excited to release it!

Lots of 사랑 to everybody!
-809 words-

(I almost wrote mic drop

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