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It took me several minutes thinking what is it with her.

 I laid in my bed looking right through the ceiling' quite lost in the moment. After work I decided to go straight right to my appartment. My first day wasn't that tiring, not really. More of' left me in a  curious state. The day went something really unexpected.Someone spilled coffee on my shirt. Without knowing  that would be the girl...That girl I saw at the concert. Who would've have thought? I'm gonna see her again. I didn't had the chance to see her closely at that concert, or even talk to her. I admit I  get my hopes up' it's a city of 8 million and it's not like I'm gonna see the same people.But this time' I saw her again. 

SO JES.. that was her name, I assumed she's an architect, but quite not sure.  Still a good thing' tho because we'll be working in the same firm I guess. I couldn't helped but introduce myself' the moment she faced me.I know it surprised her' but I'm hoping it is just because of my friendly gesture' or maybe she recognized me' and even thought I looked familiar.But by the look on her face' I can totally say' it is because I didn't get mad at her for spilling a hot coffee on my shirt. Good thing though' I shouldn't wear something informal for a firm, an architectural firm. She was in a rush that time' so I didn't bother to ask or even say I saw her that time. .. Someone went to her ' and she went hurriedly to an office surrounded by glass walls. She was really in a rush.

So' then I decided to go and find the  rest room to clean up myself before getting my extra polo at the back of my  car which I kept' whenever I feel the need to change my clothing. I found that really necessary. I wasn't familiar by the place yet'so it  took me few minutes before finding my way out. I went straight to my car..parked right in front of the firm' And I turned to my right unexpectedly . That's when I saw then' something not so new...That girl...


That girl again' ..crying for a second time in a row.Is it that normal? I mean for someone to always cry' and not just cry.. cries everytime I got to see her.Really?. 

I was unaware but my mind demanded to just stay there' looking straight right to her, I took a single step deciding whether I'll went to her direction and asked her If there's something I could help. But ' I felt like its not the right time' it seemed that its too personal' and I was a stranger to her; and I think it would not be proper to went on someone asking what was wrong when in fact' she doesn't even know me.It is kinda disrespectful I guess.But whatever it is' I feel like I don't have the right.She needed her time..

I didn't leave my car as soon as she gets back inside the firm' I made sure' she'll stop form crying before I'll went inside. So I get in my car'and looked at her right from my side mirror.Still battling whether I'll stay there or go to her. After a few seconds' she then wiped her faced' quite red and sore from crying. Made me feel bad' still.  Still left me to cannot wrestle my conscience' I wanted to go to her' and ask what was wrong' but for what I saw' she was kinda  strong for standing there trying to hold back her self from crying and for a few seconds she made sure she looked like as if nothing happened and went inside the firm.

I laid still' in my bed waiting for my self to fall asleep.That thing that happened earlier bothered me still. I wanted to know her more' seeing her cry' makes me wanna know her. What is it with her?  cause I'm dying to know. What was the reason behind all those times for her to cry. It kept playing in my mind' those seconds where I saw in her eyes how hurt she is' all the pain in those eyes' and the way she would held herself from crying too much. ..I kept my eyes close' thinking and hoping I won't see her cry again... its just...its just It's not normal seeing someone cry in a row..I hope not again' cause the third time will be too much.

ALL I NEEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon