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Jaebum was a pretty average guy. He lived in a nice neighborhood, had average neighbors, got up in the morning to go to work and came back home just to repeat it all the next day. Pretty average, right?

He didn't want anything fancy going on in his life. He enjoyed the quiet buzz of his everyday routine. He could go to the club and party if he wanted to, but he didn't. He could go down to the park and walk around, which he did occasionally, but wouldn't stay for more than an hour or two. He could meet someone, bring a new person or love into his life. But he didn't. He was too plain to attract anyone anyway.

He was just happy where he was. He had an okay job at a music agency. He aspired to be a producer, but for now they just had him cleaning up the bathrooms and recording rooms when the real artists were not using them. It was close enough to what he wanted to be though, a step in the right direction, at least.

When he wasn't working, he'd be at home a lot, either exercising or reading. He was very fond of books. He went to the bookstore occasionally and bought something new, then he'd take it home and stay inside for the weekend to read the whole thing.

He didn't have a ton of friends, just a few. One of them was Jackson, his best friend who was hitting it big. They had the same dream of becoming something in the music industry, and Jackson was becoming a really successful artist. He drop in sometimes to check on Jaebum, always talking about something new he was doing, while Jaebum never had anything interesting to share, since his life was pretty much the same as it had always been.

Jaebum also had a few other friends from college who he barely connects with, only sometimes to wish them a happy birthday or happy holidays. Surprisingly, the closest person to Jaebum was his ex, who he refused to contact unless he needed something important from them. Other than that, Jaebum was pretty much alone.

He enjoyed his quiet alone time, watching T.V. or sleeping. There wasn't much that Jaebum did to entertain himself besides that. He occasionally used his keyboard and microphone to put together a few notes of a song, but all of his songs ended up buried in the depths of his phone, unreleased to the public.

Though he didn't share his work with anyone, he still had the urge to record songs. He just loved making music, and hoped that one day he would be able to share his own songs with the world. He could post them on music sharing websites, but he was too afraid of no one really enjoying his songs, leaving him in his little apartment listening to them listen by himself, wishing that maybe he'd eventually one day gain the confidence to chase his dreams.

He had the urge to make music again one day as soon as he got home from work. Being surrounded by a bunch of artists and producers all day and overhearing them working on their own songs inspired Jaebum quite a bit. He often came home with new lyrics flying around in his head and melodies he wanted to create.

He rushed into his house, planning to eat something, but the song he was forming in his head was way more important than food. It was late at night when he got home, and he silently apologized to his neighbors who may be sleeping at the time before plugging in his equipment.

Jaebum took a moment to gather his thoughts before going to get his songbook from a drawer in his bedroom nightstand, writing down lyrics to add to the many he's already written in the worn out notebook. He hurried back to his set up and started to put the song together, thinking hard of good melodies that would match the words he wrote down on the page.

He appreciated the quiet he had to think, which was why he loved his little apartment no matter how cramped it could get. It was quiet enough for him to work, and he relished in that.

But that night was nothing but quiet. As Jaebum was just starting to play some notes on his keyboard, a loud knock was at his front door. He was puzzled by the sound, wondering who could be at his front door at this time.

He hadn't talked to his ex in a while, so it couldn't be him. It wasn't Jackson either, he was out of the country on a world tour right now. It could be one of Jaebum's old friends, but do they even know where he lives now? Jaebum was confused as he slowly got up to approach the door, still wracking his brain at who it could be.

Jaebum was hesitant to open the door, but then the rapid knocking came again, and Jaebum felt that maybe something was wrong; maybe his neighbor was having some sort of emergency or something.

That made him quickly open up the door, though the person on the other side was no one he recognized. The stranger looked at Jaebum, his eyes darting back and forth between him and the street.

"Um, hello sir. I'm a bit lost and it's really late right now, so I was wondering if you could help me out?" the stranger asked.

Jaebum just stared at him, confusion written across his face. Everything in Jaebum's body reminded him of what his parents always said: "Stranger Danger!". But something about this guy... something about him made Jaebum curious.

Before Jaebum knew it, he was letting a complete stranger into of his house.


(*okayyy, sooooo yeah. Stranger danger kids remember that sksksks. How's the start of this story so far? Different from what I usually do but, I really wanted to try writing a good, ongoing story with like, plot and everything. I hope it's okay! The first chapter or two might not be all too insteresting, but the story will pick up, so I hope you come back to read more when I post again! Thank you for reading, I'll try and update again soon!*)

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