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Another day passed, the three living together and getting along well. Jaebum had to get back to town since this was his last day he could stay out of work. He made sure that Jinyoung was safe and comfortable with Mark before gathering his things and packing them in his car. He left his suitcase of clothes for Jinyoung to wear since Mark's clothes were a bit too small to fit him, but he took along everything else.

Jaebum spent as much of the day as he could with Mark and Jinyoung before it was about time to leave in the evening since he wanted to get back before it got too dark. Mark and Jinyoung walked him to his car, the two planning on sending him off. As Jaebum walked to the car, he turned to say goodbye.

"It was good seeing you again Bummie. I'll take care of Jinyoung for now." Mark said, patting Jaebum on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you're not as annoying as I remember you being. I might actually be starting to like you." Jaebum said jokingly.

Mark gave him a smug smile. "Well I'm irresistible, everyone starts to like me at some point."

Jaebum rolled his eyes before looking to Jinyoung who stood just behind Mark. He walked over to the younger, noticing the sad expression on his face.

"You gonna be okay? I said I'll visit, remember?" Jaebum asked, wanting to wipe the frown off of the younger's face.

"I'll be fine but... maybe... I should get your number? In case I need to call you or something?" Jinyoung suggested, asking for Jaebum's number a bit akwalrdly.

Jaebum chuckled, nodding his head. "Sure. Call me anytime, I'll pick up."

Jaebum traded phone numbers, making a contact on his phone for Jinyoung. The contact didn't have a picture though, so Jaebum quickly snapped one of Jinyoung while he wasn't paying much attention, loving the off gaurd aesthetics it gave.

Jinyoung look up, his eyes widening after he heard the snap of Jaebum's phone. "What did you just do?"

"I took a picture of you. I need to know who I'm calling." Jaebum said, showing Jinyoung the picture he set for his contact.

Jinyoung looked away, his cheeks turning a light pink. "I don't... look good in pictures... I don't like taking them..."

Jaebum frowned, totally not expecting that. "Well I'm sorry for taking it without permission but, Jinyoung you're not a bad looking guy."

Jinyoung shook his head. "I'm pretty average looking. I think my head looks too big in pictures, and my ears look even bigger."

"Jinyoung your head is fine, and big ears are adorable. You need more confidence in yourself." Jaebum said, disappointed in the fact that Jinyoung doesn't even know how attractive he was.

"Then... I need a picture of you too... so I know who I'm calling." Jinyoung said, lifting his phone to snap a quick picture.

Jaebum chuckled, though he wasn't really fond of pictures himself either. He allowed Jinyoung to snap a photo anyway, just to be fair.

"Okay, so... how about I call you first? Is tomorrow good?" Jaebum asked.

Jinyoung laughed. "Jaebum I don't have anything to do with myself yet, of course tomorrow is good. Any time is good."

Jaebum smiled nodding his head. "Okay, that's great. So... I'll see you um... someday I guess."

Jinyoung nodded, the sad look reappearing on his face. "Yeah... someday..."

"Will you two just kiss and say goodbye already?" Mark groaned from the side.

Jaebum blushed, glaring at Mark. "Mark shut up."

"Jaebum..." Jinyoung called, drawing Jaebum's attention back to him. Jinyoung looked at the ground before looking back up at Jaebum, his eyes quivering as he stepped closer. Jaebum was a bit caught off gaurd by Jinyoung suddenly wrapping his arms around him, but all Jaebum could do was hug him back, whispering a 'see you later' into Jinyoung's ear before forcibly pulling himself away.

Jaebum had to get out of there before his heart tore into shreds. He got in his car, waving goodbye at the two who waved back before pulling off and driving back home. Jaebum already missed Jinyoung and he hated it. Just the empty passengers seat tore him to shreds, as he wished Jinyoung were there to fill it. But Jinyoung was safely with Mark, he was in good hands. And Jaebum promised to visit them every weekend, so it's not like they said goodbye forever.

He tried not to think about it on the way back, but that was pretty difficult. Especially when he finally got home, it was even harder. His place felt cold and empty, obviously from Jaebum being away from it for a few days, but also since he was completely alone now. He slumped into his bed since he got home pretty late, unlocking his phone to check for any notifications. He had gotten a text from Jinyoung, the younger's adorable picture popping up on the screen making Jaebum smile.

Jinyoung: Hey, let me know you got home safe! Text me soon!

Jaebum smiled even wider. Jinyoung was already checking up on him. He immediately typed out a reply, his fingers rapidly tapping the screen.

Jaebum: Hii! I got home safe! Thank u for checking on me ^_^

Jaebum's heart pumped fast as Jinyoung immediately responded, the younger obviously glued to his phone right now as well.

Jinyoung: no problem! I can't wait until you come visit again! Thank you again for everything :)

Jaebum couldn't wait to visit again either. Seeing Jinyoung again was probably the most exciting part of his life right now, and he could barely stand to wait until the weekend came to go back.

Jaebum: Anytime Jinyoung. I can't wait to come visit either.
Jaebum: But shouldn't you be sleeping? I'll be mad if you don't get a good night of sleep! >:(

Jaebum tried to be a bit cute in his texts, but he ended up cringing at himself. Why did Jinyoung make him this way?

Jinyoung: Ah! Sorry! I'll sleep now! XD
Jinyoung: Good night

There was a breif pause of Jinyoung typing, leaving Jaebum's heart on edge.

Jinyoung: I miss you.

Jaebum's thumbs hovered over his screen as he read out that last message. He knew the feeling in his chest all too well, and it was the feeling that he'd been denying having for days. The feeling that Mark had been telling him to accept. The feeling that made his heart pump hot blood through his veins and leaves a fluttery feeling inside.

He was falling for Jinyoung, and after reading that text, feeling the way his heart nearly leaped out of his chest, Jaebum knew it for sure. No denial this time.

Jaebum: miss you too
Jaebum: night Jinyoung, please rest well.

Jaebum stared at the screen, wondering if Jinyoung would reply after that. He didn't. He must've listened and went to sleep. Jaebum couldn't sleep much that night though. Not with Jinyoung on his mind, and his heart making such a ruckus in his chest.


(*I see people reading and voting on the chapters but no one leaves comments lol. I'm glad that you're interested in the story, but i just wanna know how you like it so far. Some feedback maybe? Just curious lol*)

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