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Jinyoung came back along with Jackson about a hour later, the two having talked to Jackson's connection with the police and explaining the situation they were in. Mark and Jaebum had waited for them to finish the call, relaxing on the sofa and enjoying some television until they returned.

Jaebum's eyes lit up when he saw Jinyoung who bee-lined straight towards him. "How'd it go?"

Jinyoung sat down next to him, already resting his head on the elder's shoulder. "It went fine. I think they believed everything I told them, and they said they'll get someone to investigate Shadow. I told them where one of Shadow's locations are, but it shouldn't be too hard to find them since they're spread out everywhere. They have to run into them sooner or later."

"In the meantime, he said they'll station police officers in front of the apartment building to keep an eye on things starting from tomorrow, so they'll take care of any shady activity that may be present." Jackson reported with a proud smile.

"Good job Jack!" Mark exclaimed, clapping Jackson on the back.

"Well at least we now have law enforcement on our side. I guess your friend wasn't corrupt then." Jaebum stated.

"I try not to associate myself with corrupt people, so I have a strong feeling that we'll be safe." Just as Jackson said that his cell phone rang, catching everyone's attention. He checked the caller ID, pressing the green phone button to answer. "Oh, it's just the chef. They must be back with more food."

Jackson took the call, turning away to speak to the person on the line.

Jaebum looked over at Jinyoung, their eyes meeting as they both had the desire to gaze at one another. "So... it wasn't hard right? To talk about everything that's happened to you. Was it too emotional?"

Jinyoung shrugged, adjusting his head's placement on Jaebum's shoulder. "I've talked about it enough times with you guys that it's not that hard anymore. I try not to look at my past as something I should feel personally responsible for. It's shameful, but it's not my fault."

Jaebum was a bit surprised at Jinyoung's response, but he felt overall proud that Jinyoung's overcame his past so well. "You're so mature to have that mindset, some people blame themselves and struggle to get over things that aren't their fault. I was worried that you might be doing the same."

"I'm... trying not to." Jinyoung mumbled, obviously exposing that he still had a little bit of doubt in his judgement.

Jaebum brushed Jinyoung's cheek with his fingers, holding their intimate eye contact. "Don't. It's really not your fault. You're so strong to have gotten through all of it and to still be here. I can't imagine what it must've been like."

Jinyoung was the one to look away, grabbing Jaebum's hand in his own. "I think if I hadn't met you I wouldn't have lasted much longer honestly."

"Don't say that." Jaebum replied. The last thing he wanted to think of was what could've happened if Jinyoung hadn't conveniently showed up on his doorstep. There were a million possible scenarios, and Jaebum disliked all of them.

"Sorry I'm just... really happy to have you." Jinyoung confessed, looking back at Jaebum with his glittery eyes filled with adoration.

Jaebum smiled, his heart beating hard in his chest from Jinyoung's honest words. He couldn't understand why he fell more and more for Jinyoung every time they talked, but he does and he loves every bit of it. Just as Jaebum was about to lean in and press a kiss to Jinyoung's lips, Jackson stood up and ended his phone call.

"My chef needs help bringing up some of the groceries. They bought a lot considering that they have to cook for four people now rather than one. I feel bad, I'm gonna go help them." Jackson announced.

"Should we come too?" Mark offered, about to get up and follow Jackson.

"No, you guys stay here. Don't wanna risk anything." Jackson stated, heading to the elevator to go down to the lobby.

Mark sighed, sitting back on the sofa. He looked at the couple next to him curled up together still staring dreamily at one another, rolling his eyes. "You complained about me and Jackson's PDA, yet here you two are about to fuck on the couch right next to me..."

Jaebum looked over at Mark, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. "We were having a moment that you just ruined."

Mark shrugged, not really caring. "Look, I know I said you two are adorable and that I 100 percent support this relationship, but watching you together is literally making me want to rip my hair out. If you're gonna kiss him just kiss him, stop with this hesitant bullshit."

"I didn't want to kiss him in front of you and Jackson." Jaebum said, which was a blatant lie since all he ever wanted to do was kiss Jinyoung endlessly.

"Again, bullshit. I saw you leaning in." Mark stated, catching Jaebum in his lie.

"I thought you were gonna kiss me too, honestly..." Jinyoung added, bashfully looking away when Jaebum stared at him in shock of his honesty.

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side." Jaebum whined, which Jinyoung helplessly found adorable.

"It's because he wants a kiss and you still haven't given him one yet." Mark stated, sticking his tongue out when Jaebum glared at him.

"Well now I'm embarrassed! I don't wanna anymore..." Jaebum complained, though that was a lie too; he'd kiss Jinyoung silly right at that moment if Mark would stop teasing him about it.

Mark sighed disappointedly, shaking his head. "Jinyoung... I'm sorry you have to deal with this guy..."

"It's okay, I'm used to him." Jinyoung replied, grinning at Jaebum who glared at him as well.

Just as Jaebum was about to express his offense to both Mark and Jinyoung ganging up on him, the elevator dinged. The three looked over towards it as it's doors slid open. For a moment, no one came out, they just heard a weird sound that was similar to... panting? For some reason, Jaebum immediately felt his hair stand up on the back of his neck, something didn't feel right. And just a moment after, Jackson stumbled out of the elevator covered in blood.

"Oh my god!" Mark exclaimed, immediately standing up and heading towards Jackson.

"Jackson!" Jinyoung yelled, about to run over and help until Jaebum held him back.

"N-No, stay back..." Jackson stuttered as Mark came rushing towards him. Before Mark could even reach him, Jackson was being knocked out cold with the whip of a gun, his body hitting the floor with a thug. Mark gasped, yelling out Jackson's name in horror.

"Nobody fucking move."

Jaebum looked over at the elevator where that voice came from, watching another person walk out, and hearing Jinyoung gasp behind him as the intruder came into view.


(*uh-Oh there's a bit of trouble :/*)

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