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As Jaebum was driving, he eventually got a call from Mark. He was worried sick, wondering if Jinyoung had really just took his money and ran. If he did, then it was likely that they'll never see him again. Jaebum hated that part the most. After catching feelings for this guy, he just bails out on him. Why wasn't Jaebum surprised though? No one ever stays for long, people come and go. Jaebum just wished he had seen this coming earlier.

He just hoped that Mark was able to catch him. Jinyoung was a fit guy, and as a thief you'd have to be able to get out of the places you rob quickly. But Mark was also pretty fit, he didn't just sit around all day. Part of the reason why Mark wakes up so early is to jog 3 miles every morning, so Jaebum hoped that it paid off well. If Mark didn't catch him though... then Jaebum would owe Mark a ton of money, and he was sure that Mark would be incredibly pissed off.

But when Mark called him, he assured that Jinyoung was safe and back in the house. Mark got his money back, and Jinyoung was currently under heavy surveillance by Mark himself. Jaebum felt a huge wave of relief wash over him. He was still pretty pissed off, but as long as both Jinyoung and Mark were safe, things were okay. For now, at least. The tension between Jinyoung and Mark must be heavy though, and their trust with each other must've been lost too. Jinyoung might've just fucked up the only safe place he had left to go to, and now Jaebum was left with the burden of finding somewhere else to shelter him.

All of that, along with the long drive to Mark's house, all weighed down on Jaebum as he drove, and he wasn't sure what was gonna happen when he arrived, but he knew it wasn't gonna be all smiles and laughter. Jaebum kept his feelings at bay as he was driving to keep focus on the road, but when he finally made it to Mark's house, he let all of his self control go as soon as he hopped out of the car.

He ran up to the front door, banging hard on the wood. It didn't take Mark long to open the door for him at all, since the elder already knew that Jaebum would be upset. Jaebum stormed into the house, immediately looking around.

"Where is he? Where the fuck is he?" He asked.

Jinyoung peeked out from the living room, his worried eyes meeting with Jaebum's furious ones. Jaebum bolted towards Jinyoung, startling the younger as he grabbed him by the collar. He shoved Jinyoung against the wall, trapping him so he couldn't move.

"J-Jaebum I-" Jinyoung immediately stuttered out, But was cut off by Jaebum's yelling.

"Shut up! Don't fucking talk, you have no right to say anything!" Jaebum said, unable to control his anger as he held Jinyoung against the wall.

Jinyoung grabbed Jaebum's wrists, weakly trying to pull them away from his chest. "But Jaebum-..."

Jaebum couldn't bare to listen to him. Not after feeling utterly betrayed. He just couldn't understand, after everything he's done for Jinyoung, he turns around and undermines it like it didn't matter. It made him furious. "How dare you do this to me! Not just to me, but to Mark as well? After we took you in and cared for you, making sure you had a good place to stay while you got your shit together, you act like none of it mattered? Like we're fucking doing charity work!"

Jinyoung shook his head, his voice wobbling as fear clouded his eyes. "No, Jaebum I'm sorry, I told Mark I was sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it!" Jaebum yelled.

"Jaebum no! Don't be rough!" Mark said as he quickly entered the room, his eyes widening at Jaebum pinning Jinyoung to the wall. Mark pulled Jaebum away, allowing Jinyoung a moment to catch his breath. Though Jaebum pushed Mark away, only to back Jinyoung into the corner of the room, giving him no where to go.

"I-I know I did wrong..." Jinyoung mumbled, his eyes darting between Mark and Jaebum.

"Like hell you know! Obviously the fucking police searching for you didn't scare you enough huh? Should I have let them take you? Should I have given up on you like every other person in your fucking life did? Was believing that you could change the wrong choice?" Jaebum asked, genuinely re-thinking the idea of taking Jinyoung in if he did it for no reason.

Jinyoung shook his head, his hands reaching out to gently touch Jaebum's "No... no Jaebum y-you don't mean that..."

It was partially true that Jaebum didn't mean what he was saying, but at the same time, he wouldn't be dealing with so much trouble if he hadn't even met Jinyoung. He was happy to help the younger, but he didn't expect it to affect him and his life so much. After summing up everything Jaebum's done for him over the past week or so, why did Jinyoung just carelessly throw it all away?

"You didn't mean anything you fucking told mean about wanting to change and live a better life. All the times you said thank you were lies! All the times you told us you were grateful were lies! This is how you repay us? Going right back into the life we took you out of? You're lucky Mark and I are the forgiving type, or else you could've gotten your ass beat if we weren't!" Jaebum said, taking a step towards Jinyoung as he yelled.

Jinyoung flinched as if Jaebum were going to hit him, crouching down against the wall with his arms up in defense. "No! No please don't! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't..."

Jaebum watched Jinyoung cower to the floor, the younger covering his head. The sudden look of extreme fear in his eyes tugged Jaebum out of his anger, and left him more concerned than anything. Why did Jinyoung react this way? Did he really think that Jaebum was going to hurt him? Jaebum would never do that, even if he was pissed off and beyond angry, nothing would ever make him hurt a hair on Jinyoung's head.

Jaebum softened, unable stand Jinyoung being scared of him. "Jinyoung, I didn't say I was going to hit you. I just said it could've happened..."

"I don't want it to happen..." Jinyoung mumbed, his body trembling as he glance up at Jaebum.

Jaebum bent down, now feeling bad for getting so angry. He felt his heart breaking at the sight of Jinyoung cowering in fear, and his heart hurt even more when Jinyoung flinched away from Jaebum's touch on his arm. "Hey... I'm not gonna hit you. I would never hurt you. Neither would Mark. I just think that what you did was really dumb, and you could get in serious trouble if you had stolen from the wrong type of people. And you stealing again showed absolutely no appreciation for everything we've done for you. Saying thank you is one thing, but actually improving yourself is what we were hoping to see..."

"I know... I know I fucked up... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I fucked this up like I did with everything else..." Jinyoung stated, shaking his head in disappointment in himself.

"But... I just don't understand. Why? Why did you do it? You said you would get better, but you didn't. Is this really all you know how to do?" Jaebum asked, really wishing that Jinyoung had at least a better reason for stealing than to just take the money. If Jinyoung really wanted to get away, then Jaebum was sure that he would be gone by now. There was a reason that he came back.

Jinyoung shook his head, covering his face with his hands. "N-No I... I didn't want to... I really didn't want to do it..."

"Then... why did you?" Jaebum asked, not understanding Jinyoung's motive.

Jinyoung let out a shaky breath, his eyes darting around as if he was worried about someon hearing what he was about to say, though the only other people in the room were Mark and Jaebum. "Because... because they told me to..."

Jaebum furrowed his brows, needing a minute to absorb that. Someone told Jinyoung to steal? But Jinyoung had been cooped up inside this house with Mark for the past week, how has he made contact with anyone outside without Mark knowing? "They? Jinyoung, who is they?"

Jinyoung sighed, his hands balling up into fists as he tried to keep himself together. "There's... something I need to tell you. I'm afraid of getting us all in trouble, and I'm afraid of losing you, so... I need to tell you both for your own safety..."

Mark walked up next to Jaebum, a serious look casted onto his face. This sounded like it involved all three of them, and that they might possibly be in danger. "Tell us what?"

"Eveything..." Jinyoung confessed.


(*Lol sorry for such a cliche cliffhanger buttt um yeah were finna find out what tf Jinyoung's been hiding so stay tuned 😉*)

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