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Jaebum woke up to the smell of food, that being the only reason why he dragged himself out of bed. As he walked out of his room, he briefly checked on Jinyoung whose door was cracked open. Jaebum looked through the crack, not seeing the younger there. For some reason he felt a bit uneasy when he doesn't see Jinyoung, as if the younger had ran away again.

But as he entered the living room, he saw Jinyoung sitting with Jackson, the two having a conversation. Jaebum relaxed as he realized that Jinyoung hadn't run again; it was just him feeling on edge. He smiled as he approached the two, seeing how they seemed to be talking a bit more than yesterday.

Jackson noticed Jaebum first, since Jinyoung's back was to him. "Jaebum! Finally awake!"

Jinyoung glanced behind him, acknowledging Jaebum with a head nod before turning back around. Jaebum took a seat next to Jinyoung, the younger shifting away from him just slightly. That was weird.

"So... I see you two have been talking more." Jaebum commented, trying to ignore the fact that Jinyoung had scooted away from him.

"Yeah, he was asking me about how I made one of my songs. Did you know that Jinyoung was so interested in music?" Jackson asked, seeming so so excited to talk about his work with someone else.

Jaebum nodded. "Yeah I know he has some interest. I was surprised to hear that he was a fan of yours though."

"I love that such a down to earth person is one of my fans, the crazy ones are incredibly hard to handle, but Jinyoung is great company." Jackson enthused, making Jinyoung chuckle and blush a little.

"I imagine it's hard being a celebrity... I just want to treat you like my friend." Jinyoung said, glancing up at Jackson who smiled and nodded.

"Then we're friends. Anyone who Jaebum trusts I trust. Well, besides Mark. But I have a good feeling about you!" Jackson exclaimed.

Jackson's hand moved up to scratch his neck, and Jaebum just so happened to notice a little red mark on his neck hidden by Jackson's hoodie.

"Hey Jackson... what's that?" Jaebum questioned, wondering if it was what he thought it was.

Jackson furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "What is what?"

"On your neck. That red spot. What is it?" Jaebum pointed out, reaching over to expose the mark Jackson tried to hide.

"Ah, J-Jaebum..." Jackson stuttered, looking away from Jaebum who pretty much knew what it was already.

"Was it Mark?" Jaebum guessed.

Jackson was quiet for a moment, his hand self consciously covering the mark on his neck. "... you said you didn't mind..."

So it was Mark. Jaebum shook his head, not even surprised that this happened. "I don't. I'm just wondering. I thought you didn't like him, but now he's leaving hickeys on your neck..."

"I didn't like him! But, I dunno, stuff happened last night, okay? I hadn't seen him in a while, and he was being all seductive and flirty, and he smelled really good after showering..." Jackson said, going on and on about the guy he said he didn't want coming over to his house in the first place.

"I don't need details, thanks..." Jaebum interrupted.

Jackson glanced at Jaebum, a look of worry flashing across his face. "Are you mad?"

"No, I was just... confused. That's all. If you still like Mark then I don't care what you do with him. Just be truthful with me, okay?" Jaebum said, not wanting to make a huge deal of it.

Jackson nodded, looking down at his lap. "Yeah... sorry about that... um, but I have something that you'll find hilarious."

Jackson quickly changed the subject, picking up his phone and tapping at the screen. He handed his phone over to Jaebum, the screen showing an article with an outrageous title.

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