Chapter one: #determination

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In the Anti-Void, the silent was mind blowing. You could hear your own breathing even if you tried with all your might to hold your breath. Color was nowhere to be seen, except for a dim glowing white, a color that can drive anyone crazy.

Error sat in the middle of all this. White is the only thing he could see for miles on end. No matter how far he would desperately walk, or scream for help, the only color he could see for miles on end was white, white... white.

Besides himself of course, Error was a black skeleton with glitches floating around him. The words "ERROR" tended to block his vision and stick with him wherever he went. It was sort of how he got the name: Error.

It was always a pain being basically a glitch because if he was annoyed, surprised, or angry his glitches would block his view and blind him for awhile. If it was really bad he would crash, like a computer and have no choice but to reboot, and rebooting was... painful.

The tips of his fingers a dark shade of yellow, then red, then to a black that continued up his arm. He wore a red half sleeved sweater, and a coat that turns back into a classy shade of blue at the end of his hood. He had a pair of shorts that looked like Classic's pair, ha. what can I say? It was a very classy choice of ware.

Error smiled at the classy joke he had made. Classic was sort of the original, in a way.

ok it did NOT make his job easier with Ink, who was always going on a creation rampage. Ink for some reason believes Error destroys the AUs for fun, and they end up fighting because Error is to stubborn to tell Ink that he destroys AUs for a way better reason than basic enjoyment, it's not like Ink ever asked. (Besides the couple hundred times he would not stop bothering Error, always asking: "Why do You destroy??" "Why?" "Why destruction over friends??" this, however, ticked Error off for an understandably amount of reasons.)

He was bored of the everyday reminder of not having a universe, or no brother to go home to. Error sighed as he stood up and opened a portal to leave, but then he heard a recognizable voice echoing in his Anti-void, stopping him from leaving.

"Yo, yo yo! Wuts up mah totes radical glitchy?"

"What the heck Do you want Fresh?" Error turned around to glare at the high and colorful 90's trash version of Classic.

Fresh's shades read 'RU-DE' as he gave Error a frown. "Ur homie Fresh dog just wanted to see mah most radical broski!" He said walking up to Error, making him uncomfortable.

Ever since Fresh found a way into the Anti-Void, he wouldn't leave Error alone. And for Error, it was like being visited by satan himself. After all, Fresh was in-fact a parasite, a virus. one who can switch bodies whenever he felt like it. And Error; being a powerful Destroyer Of worlds, would be the perfect body for Fresh to steel. Error's soul would keep fresh going and alive for years! But Error never let Fresh close enough for fresh to do his virus thing.

"For the laSt tIme, what do y0u want?" Error growled, his voice glitching a bit more than usual as he backed away to a safe distance.

"Nothin'... hey wanna play Mario Karts???" Fresh jumped up at the idea, making Error flinch.

"umm, No...?" Error, having no idea what Mario Karts was, only folded his arms in slight confusion.

"You mean... YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY MARIO KARTS!!????" Fresh practically screeched, his voice leaving an echo throughout the void of a home.

Error, on the other hand, almost jumped fifty feet into the air. Key word: Almost. "FrEsH!! What the heck?!"

Fresh bursted out laughing, confusing the crap out of the poor Error. 'Why in the world is he laughing? Man, parasites are weird' Error thought as he blankly looked at the laughing parasite.

No one's Pov:

It took only a couple minutes for the parasite to calm down, wiping a non-existent tear from his eye, Fresh picked up his skateboard and straightened up, calming himself down. He straightened his cap before turning back to find an empty space where Error had once stood confused and annoyed. He smiled before hopping on his skateboard to leave. 'Heh, looks like Error is done with the anti-void for the day.' Fresh thought as he left the horrid place.

(some time later)

*back with Error*

Error sighed with relief when he landed in a soft powdery snow. He had already destroyed about 5 AUs today, so he had some free time... At least until ink decides to create another AU or two.

Error took a second to look around before letting out a sigh. He had lost his AU a long time ago to something he could never imagine... or actually remember. He's never successfully recalled what his papyrus looked like, or what his human acted like, even when the human would start it's killing game. He never remembered what he actually looked like ether. All he knew was that one time, when he was still stuck in the Anti-void, he used to be a white skeleton. buuuuut, something just had to happened and know he's stuck... like this. Not the nicest choice, but when has he ever gotten a choice? Error never had enough free time to go actually hang out in a AU to find out for sure (besides Outertale) So that's exactly what he decided he wanted to do. He smiled at the idea, clenching his fists tight. Even though he does not have much crap left to give. He had some free time, so why not? The thought of ink catching him made him sick, but he was going to at least try.

Error dusted himself off, and looked around. He was next to the entrance to the RUINS.

with a swipe of his hand, Error quickly checked the code to see witch AU he was in.


Error frowned.

What luck did he have to end up in the original AU itself? The first one to ever appear in the multiverse?

He would be in a lot of trouble if the classic himself caught him. The sans would probably be running to call Ink, or just fight him himself. And if he was going to do whatever he wanted for these few very rare hours, he was going to need to first get out of the underground as quickly as possible. Error quickly made a glitched portal and stepped through it, closing it behind him.

But little did he know, two pairs of eyes glared with fear and wonder as the glighty skeleton disappeared. 

(1130 words) 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now