Chapter sixteen: sleeeeeeeeeep

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art up there is mine


I was bored TwT)

No ones Pov:

Suddenly, a staticy noise filled the air making half of everyone in the room jump. Just as the noise appeared, it quickly disappeared; Leaving Dream and Sci in a confused shock. Classic was to busy regaining his balance to even take notice, all he was focusing on was the fact that the glitchy skeleton in his arms had suddenly fallen limp.

"Uhhh. . . does Error sleep often?" Classic shifts his weight so that Dream and Sci could see what he was seeing.

Error lay hugging himself in Classic's arms; He seemed to be avoiding all contact with Classic even tho he was asleep. (we all know he's not sleeping.) Glitches started forming in front of his eyes, making it impossible to see if they were open or not.

Dream shook his head in answer. "No, ever since he's gotten hear he hasn't sleeped a peep." As he said this, a faint 25% could be heard, making them all jump.

"D-did you hear that?" Sci muttered, Classic hummed in response.


"It did it again! What if its a bomb? What if it's some sort of countdown to something? What if it will kill us all?!" Sci continued spilling all of his worries to Dream, leaving a shook Classic to continue listening for the next set of numbers.



"Uhh guys?"


"it's getting faster."


Dream looks over to Classic. "try to stop it!"


. . .


Ink runs into the room with a paint brush at hand and a worried expression. "Is everything ok? I heard screaming."

"heh, were fine. Just heard some weird noises-" Classic is cut off.

"Urhhgggg. . ." Error grumbles as he starts trying to sit up as if he had just woken up from a long time nap. Immediately he realizes what awkward situation he was in. "aaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" his haphephobia starts kicking in, and Error starts kicking and hitting Classic, trying to get away from the famously lazy skeleton by pushing himself off of him.

Classic on the other hand was holding on to dear life, or for the longer story, making sure Error does not find a way to free himself from Classic's grasp and kill everybody in the room for some bloody revenge. Ink stands in the middle of all this dumbfounded due to not really knowing what to do, and Classic seemed to be dealing with this perfectly fine. (sure, Ink.)

Dream, however, was terrified.

. . . and therefore he gets the idea to go and help. . .

Helping. . . by casting a sleeping spell on the only person in the room that would probably go on a AU killing spree. Dream raises a hand and focuses as hard as he can, focusing on Error, and focusing on his soul. He hadn't ever practiced the spell before so this was kind of his first time casting it.


a mysterious cold flush of air fill the room, and what made it so mysterious was that there were no windows. Classic jumped in shock as the glitchy skeleton unwillingly falls limp again, almost making him lose his balance.

"Uhhh. . . what just happened?" Classic looks up to Ink with a questioning look.

Even though Error was questionably very light weigh, Classic arms were getting tired, and one more sudden movement could force Classic to accidentally drop him.

Ink looks back at Dream, whose eye was glowing a golden color. "Dream, what did you do?" Ink spoke with the same 'what did you do' look which matched the situation perfectly.

"Oh, I just casted a sleeping spell on Error. It was my first time, and-" Dream was interrupted.

"And how long would the sleeping spell last exactly?" Ink pronounced with his non-existent eyebrow raised. (frick logic)

"Uhhhhhhh. . ." Dream looks down to the floor in shame. "I . . . I don't know. . ."

"Well crap." Ink says as he gives me a sorry look.

*Time skip*

Sci's Pov:

Dream almost got the job to watch Error until he wakes, -which would have made sense since it was already Dream's job to watch him 24/7 through the little camera in Error's cell- But me and Classic convinced Ink that two would be better than one, or in other words, we are the ones who will be keeping an eye on Error, and sure, it would be a much longer "check-up" than normal, but hey? the more time the merrier and I right?

After our success on convincing on the creator to let us take the job off of Dreams hands for a little while, Ink opened a portal that would take us to straight to my part of the lab, which made me very happy due to the sudden simpleness of getting there. He came with us and stayed for a few minutes, saying stuff about what to do if Error escapes or suddenly wakes up. He said that he wanted to be the first sans to know if we were to find anything interesting or something new about Error too, which made sense for the creator.

After that, Ink left with a single "goodbye" and "remember that $100,000 G if Error escapes!" waving a simple goodbye before he disappeared, along with his portal.

I don't know how, but Classic was able to carry Error without a sweat. Every minute or two he would shift Error closer to him so that the glitchy skeleton would slip out of his arms, which brought me to asking if he was the twice-removed cousin or something of some super-skeleton.

"Heh, good one but no, eh. . . here, you try carrying him." Classic says with a worried smile, which made me wonder why he would be worried.

"O-oh, ok. But what if I drop him?" I ask.

"Heh, I bet you wont be able to." I give him a confused look before taking Error out of his arms.

I gasp. Error was SO light! . . . so unnaturally light. . . Then it struck me.

The worried look from Classic wasn't for me. 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now