Chapter 25: Here

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tis me. 


its been a long time since I've updated this book. 

dont worry.

Im back.

enjoy! ;P

(Sorry for the long wait TTwTT)

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I sigh as I land in Nightmare's castle. Dust and Horror had already left the room, probably to do a patrol around the castle- and Cross was inhaling chocolate bars as if they were the cure to cancer. Nightmare sat in his usual "I'm the boss" chair. "What the hell was that?" He asked angrily. I smile as I go to sit on the couch.

"Well. . . I was just looking for you, seeing that I hadn't visited in a while. Also I couldn't find Blue and figured that you would have something to do with it." I say as Cross tosses me a piece of chocolate. Nightmare shrugs and mutters something I didn't quite catch. "Huh?" I say.

Nightmare frowns. "Are you going?"

"Where?" I ask.

"To have a 'talk' with Ink." He motions to my pocket.

I take out the small piece of paper and read through it again. "Eh, I might as well."

He seems to sink into his chair at my response. "It could be a trap you know." He says quietly.

My smile falls a little. "Don't worry Nights, I've been through worse."

"I know it's just. . . Ugh, why is this so hard??" The taller grumbles as he stands up and walks over to me, taking away the paper and reading it carefully.

I try to reassure him. "The au is the original Oceantale, I've got somewhat of the upper hand, It'll be fine."

"Yea I know- Ink mixed with water doesn't really work out... But it will give him the ability to dodge any attack within a heartbeat. Are you sure you want to do this?" He says as he gives back the small piece of paper.

I smirk. "Hey, if I get captured maybe you could come and actually save me instead of waiting for me to get myself out, It might even look good on you guys for once~"

Nightmare half heartedly punches me in the stomach as Cross makes the sound of a dying elephant as Killer chokes on his coffee.

TiMe sKiP~

Ink's pov:

I take a step back to admire my work, I had painted out a small but big room, (in the middle of the ocean, don't worry, it above the water.) including a couch, table, TV, and chairs. Also a painting cuz I was bored. I smile as I quickly check the time. Error was two hours late.

What if he wasn't coming? I slump down on the couch and put on a pouting face. No, he will come, he said he will.

I sigh and sit up, summoning a piece of paper and starting to fold it out of boredom. I had made a cup, swan, airplane, and a mini cat when a portal opened next to the couch. The sounds of laughter and the clinking of drinks as Error stumbled out. "I'll be watching you arse-hole!!" I recognized that voice belonged to Nightmare. Error sighed as the portal closed behind him.

"What was that?" I ask, making him jump.

"Oh it's just Nightmare being Nightmare. Everyday stuff." He said as he went to sit down in one of the chairs and look at the TV.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now