chapter twelve: the next day~

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Third person's Pov:

The next morning in Error's cell:

'That's going to be the last time I take any potions from Dream.' Error thinks as he sits up in his blanket and pillow striped bed. Literally, it was just the bed and the mattress.

It was only last night at freaking one in the morning Error had woken up remembering what had happened. Dream had spiked his 'potion', thinking that it would be easier to get answers out of Error while he was drunk....

Error only hoped he hadn't accidentally through one of his secrets out the window. Why? Well cuz he couldn't remember what exactly happened while drunk. All he remembered was Dream's weird potion, and bad mouthing Ink with all the swear words and profanities he new, and Ink throwing him into this prison.

Error tried for the thousandth time to summon one of his portals, but for the thousandth time, he failed. Error flinched as only noddle-like blue strings flew from his fingertips towards the place where Error had wanted his portal to form. The strings do nothing but flop onto the ground, even if they were still attached to his hands.

Error sighed and ripped the strings from his hands, sure it kinda hurt, but Error couldn't feel that anymore. He had ripped his strings out of his hands more than a thousand times so that he could knit. What was the difference? Error threw the now not attached strings across the room in frustration.

Even though Ink had still not created something, Error knew it was about time. Error knew the second Ink made a new AU, all he would feel is pain until he somehow manages to get out of Dreamtale. Error knew that if he gave up finding a way out, Fate would get him out. And Error knew that it would be painful if Fate decided to interfere.

Error started to feel hopeless. He wasn't going to get out of his prison anytime soon, and all he could do is hope that Fate didn't have a punishment waiting for him if Fate had to be the one to get him out. He had to hope that Ink lays off creation for just a little bit longer...

But hope was never on his side, hope was always on the 'good guys' side. Hope was the thing that only helped them when they needed it the most..... And so was Fate...

Error slid into the corner of the room. He didn't care if he was on the floor or on the bed, he just wanted to hide. 'The camera...' Error thought as he looked up. There was a camera watching him. He couldn't hide.

'..Under the bed maybe..?' Error told himself a hopeless lie. If he were to go hide under the bed, it would cause whoever was watching him to go and check on him. And the last thing Error wanted was company.

But Error did it anyways. He got onto his belly and slid himself under the bed. 'It's a lot nicer here.' Error thought.

Time skip to 15 mins later.....

Dreams pov:

I went to go get some coffee because I could feel myself dozing off, and I come back to see that the Error on the security cameras screen had completely disappeared.

In panic I drop my coffee, and call ink.

Another time skip to a couple seconds later, when Ink arrives....

"I'm going to go check the cell. Just incase he is still in there." Ink states when I was done explaining that Error had disappeared.

"I'm coming with you." I say sternly. Ink nods in agreement.

"Ok then, let go." Ink smiles and he grabs my hand and shortcuts to the door that held the Destroyer of AUs in place. I give Ink a determined look before we both open the door.

Third person's Pov:

Both Ink and Dream opened the heavy door with a huff. Ink was the first to walk into the room.

"Error?" Ink whispered.

"WhAt dO yOu wAnt INk?" A glitchy voice answered back.

Ink jumped and immediately started scanning the room. There was some blue strings on the opposite side of the bed, ..........and that was kind of it.

'Was Error under the bed?' Ink thought as he leaned down to find out he was correct. There he was, the glitchy god was carefully curled up under the bed. He glared at Ink. Ink face palmed and fingered Dream to come in. Dream hesitates before entering the small room.

"O-oh, he's under the bed?" Dream stampers.

"Yep." Ink says as he stands up again.

"I asked a question, iT's rudE to ignOre." Error grumbles.

"O-oh, sorry Error..." Dream mumbles.

"Look, if you just came to piss me off its working." Error growls.

" no no no no! We just can to check on you. Oh and by the way, are you ready to be interrogated again?" Ink smiles at the idea. Not many sanses or papyruses got the chance to question Error, and Ink STILL needed his own questions answered.

"If this is you're way of asking me to take that so-cauld potion again, that's not gonna happen."

"When did I say you have a choice?" Ink says as he starts at picking up the bed.

"H-hEy!!" Error yelps in surprise.

"Aarrghh... get.... Out.... from... under.....the bed........." Ink growls as he shakily -somehow- holds the bed above his head.

Error sat up in the spot where the bed was once placed. 'Well this is entertaining... I hope he realizes that he could just place the bed somewhere else.' Error smirks as he watches Ink struggle to keep the bed in the air.

"Error! Come on! Stop being so stubborn!" Dream tries reasoning with the destroyer.

"Nah, this is way to funny." Error grins.

Dream walks up to the glitchy skeleton. "Then I'm going to have to help you..." Dream says in attempt to grab the destroyers arm.

"No today sucker!" Error yells as he jumps up and runs passed Ink and Dream, and out the door.

"Call every sans you know! We can't let him escape!!" Ink yells as he drops the bed and runs after Error. the sound of the bed falling to the ground shook the castle as Dream shakily pulls his phone out of his pocket, and goes to the group chat.


DayDream: Guys!! Error is Escaping! Everyone to Dreamtale!!!!

BabyBlue: wait wut?

DayDream: BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oof,IFell: BLUE?!?!

BabyBlue: uhh... hi guys....

DayDream: ok, talk later, fight now. Error is getting away!

Oof,IFell: k

Classical: on it.

OuterSpace: I'm coming.


Dream gets off his phone and runs out the door.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now