Chapter thirteen: RUNING

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Error's Pov:



That was way to easy.

'All well, at least I'm not still in that prison.' I think as I choose a direction and run. I run faster when I hear a familiar voice:

"ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I could hear Ink's feet pounding on the ground as he ran after me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I run even faster down the random corridors and hallways.

"GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Third person's Pov:

5 minutes later~

Error was in a tree, while Ink, Dream, Fell, Classic, Outer, and THE GREAT (underfell) PAPYRUS where down on the ground, trying to get Error out of the tree.

You must be wondering why Error was not just portaling outta their. Well, that's because he was still on castle grounds- *coughts* excuse me, Error was in a tree, and that tree was the thing that was on the castle grounds.


"Nyeh! Come on down from that most amazing tree, your blocking out its beauty!" Fell's bro states heroically.

"No." Error growls.

"Dude, that was not so nice..." Classic give's the papyrus a glare.

"!@#$ you..."

"LANGUAGE!!" Dream yells.

"Error, can you please come out of the tree?" Ink says calmly.


"Pwetty pwease?"

"Ew..... Go away."

"Dangit. That usually works..." Ink looks over to Dream in defeat.

Dream looks up to Error, "listen Error, we are sorry. Can you please come out of the tree?"

Error frowns. "SoRrY? Ha! Your SorRY? That's the sAdDeSt apology I've ever heard." 'it's also the first...' Error leaves that part out.

"Please?" Dream give Error a hopeful smile.

"What a lier..." Error grumbles to himself as he grabs another branch and climbs higher.

Dream looks taken back. "L-Lier?"

"Yes, you are. you say that your sorry, but you'll never do anything about it to make thing better for both sides. All you guys are going to do is just tie me up again or lock me in a room to rot the second I get down." Error growls as he pulls himself up higher. "I'm sorry but I was not born yesterday."

Everyone that was not in the tree was speechless.

"And, no. I'm not coming down." Error gets to a nice strong branch and sits himself down, only allowing his legs to dangle off of the branch. Error looked down past his feet to see all of them were now staring him down.

"W-what are you doing? Stop it." their stares where making him uncomfortable.

"Not until you come down from the tree." Fell growls.

"Um, no..?" hadn't Error made it clear that he wasn't coming down?

"Ok then, looks like we're going to have to move on to plan B." Ink states.

Error gives them with a questioning look. "...What exactly is 'plan B'...?"

Another 5 minutes later~

Fell's bro was standing at the bottom of the tree holding Fell's feet as Fell gained balance on his shoulders. On Fell shoulders stood Outer and Fell did the same to hold Outer's feet in place on his shoulders. Dream stood on Others shoulders, Outer doing the same thing as Fell and his bro. Ink stood back to look at his work.

"Ok guys, amazing job! Now just keep doing that!" Ink looked over to Error. "I'm coming up their Error, whether you like it or not!"

Error just smiled in entertainment. "Whatever you say, oh mighty creator." Error says sarcastically.

Ink glares at Error with a determined smile as he walk over to the pill of sanses and a papyrus, and starts climbing upwards.

Their were a couple "ouch"s and "oof"s as Ink climbed up to stand on Dreams shoulders. "Ha!" Ink says as he reaches Error level. Ink the pulls out his paintbrush, and switched the colors to a light purple.

"The color for chains." Error smiles, addressing the color. He knew all of the color Ink uses for fighting, and this color was the one that Error hated the most. (except for the red paints. Those ones burned.) "heh."

"I've got you now Error!" Ink Yells as he swing his brush. The stack Ink was standing on wobbled, distracting Ink for a second. Just a second. Ink looks back to see only branches and leafs, no Error.

"Heh, no you don't." the destroyer lets out an amused laugh. Ink looked down to see Error was on the ground. 'He jumped out of the tree!' Ink thought as he immediately started climbing down, being followed by Dream, who was followed by Outer, and so on.

Error turned to run, but was stopped as he ran straight into a..... A wut?

Error looked up to see Stretch, Underswap Papyrus.

"Hey pal...."


Lets just say Error and Stretch did not have the nicest relationship......

Stretch bent down and picked up the destroyer by his sweater collar. "H-hey Stretch... How's Blue?" Error tried to stall for some time, even though he already knew his chance at escaping went from 50% to 0%

"Hiding out in our house. Ya' know, I was wondering if you had anything to do with it." the Papyrus's eye light glowed a golden color.

Ink ran over to the two. "Stretch! Thank goodness you were around! he almost got away!"

"Heh, no problem." Stretch lets his eye lights fade back to normal as he Raised Error up so that Ink could get a good aim. Ink switched his colors back to the light purple he had a minute ago, and swung his brush.   

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now