Chapter twenty: scared

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Sci's Pov:

when I saw the god of literal death, I ran as fast as my sneakers could take me. Running to the room Doc had allowed me to stay in, I slam the door shut behind me, locking it as I do so.

"Woah, *huff* that was a close one." I say to Error, who was. . . not here. . . Error was nowhere in sight.

"Error?!" I yell as I unlock and swing open the door. I thought Error followed me, I thought he would run too. But I guess not. "Error?! Where are you?" I yell into the empty, dark hallway. No answer. Of course there was no answer, Error could be trying to escape as I just wait here in fear. Without a second thought, I flip my phone out of my pocket and dial the 911 call of the multiverse.

It took a second, and I got a little worried that he wouldn't pick up, but . . . he has to pick up, right? 'Oh c'mon, hurry up and pick up the freaking phone already-'

Relief washes over me as I hear the familiar clicking noise of someone answering the phone. "Hello? Sci, is that you? What's wrong?"

I take a quick breather before answering. "Error, h-he had told me that he needed to use the restroom-"

"let me guess, he escaped?"

I shake my head. "N-no, he actually had to go, and when he was done he came out of the bathroom without even trying to run." I say, trying my hardest to stop my voice from shaking.

"Oh, thats. . . something new . . . what else happened?"

"w-well, R-reaper appeared, and I ran. . ."

" . . .I'm guessing Error didn't come with you. . ."

I nod, but quickly realize that Ink cant see me. "Y-yes."

"Don't worry, I'll be there in five seconds." Ink then hangs up.

*Five seconds later* >:)

"Alright, where was the last place you saw him?" Ink asked, his hands at his hips as he looked around the room.

"F-follow me. . ." I say as I go to open the door. I pause, "Do you think we should get Doc first? He knows the place way better than me, and he would know the first place Error could have ran too." I say, Ink nods in agreement.

"Ok, I'll go get him." he gives me a smile before grabbing his abnormally big paintbrush and making a portal. I watch as Ink quickly disappears, but a couple seconds later he comes back with a. . . not completely awake Doc.

"Ouch, what form of teleportation was that?" Doc asks with annoyance in his voice.

"My kind of teleportation." Ink responds, pausing to put his brush away. "By the way Doc, Error might have escaped, but I doubt he got too far. In other words, we need your help with this."

Doc emdiantly straightens up. "Well, why didn't you say so? Lets go!" He says as he runs to the door.

- - - - -

We were now walking down the hallway, heading towards the bathroom I had taken Error before I . . . ran away. . . long story short, I feel really stupid.

"Ack! Get away! Don't touch me!" a familiar voice makes us all stop.

"Gee, sorry . . ."

"Whatever just go away."

"But wait-"

"*sigh* what?"

As we turn the corner, we see Error, his arms crossed and he was glitching badly, and standing in front of him was Reaper. "How did you not die? I touched you. . . you should have dusted." Reaper said with a confused look on his face.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now