Chapter seventeen: the newspaper.

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*Sci's part of the Lap*

Classic's Pov:

I watch as Sci's expression turn from a confused look to complete terror. The reason? Well, there's always a reason; but this reason includes how and why Error was so light weigh. I give Sci a questioning look.

Sci, being the scientist, I figured he could come up with something better, well. . . better than the idea I was getting from Error's weigh. Sci looks up to me but sadness was all that was left of his expression.

"So. . . what do you think?" I say, awkwardly.

Sci looks down at the destroyer, and then looks back up to me. "What do I think?" Sci chuckles a sad, sad chuckle before continuing. "I think this skeleton was starved. . ."

I could see that tears were threatening to fall, but I couldn't do much due to the fact that I was holding in a storm as well. "What should we do?" I ask.

"For know, let's just get him to Medic-tale and wait for him to wake up. The sans there knows more about health problems like this than I do." Sci says as he turns towards a door -which hid a multiversal teleportation machine. walking over to the door, he held Error in his arms with ease.

I follow behind him.

*Tem skip to when they get to Medic-tale.* (Random Temmie: *gasp!*)

(A/N: I do not own this AU if any of you have never heard of it. I got it from one of the thousand undertale fanfictions I have read through out my happy teenage life so far.


I have no freaking Idea.

(honestly, I did the research, and came out with 2-3 people. So if u guys for sure know the person who has ownership over Medic-tale, tell them that they have permission to call me an idiot. Thank you!)

On with the story!!)

Medic-tale Sans's (preferably known as Doc) Pov:

I sat down in my office, sipping some coffee and reading the newspaper. But this was no ordinary newspaper, this newspaper was special, why? Well, it was special because it was the multiverse news paper, which contained the latest buzz that has been going around the multiverse.

It had all of the top discoveries and rumors, plus the amount of AU's destroyed that week or the latest horrid thing Nightmare's gang had done. When sans's and papyrus's had stopped going to Ink's ever-so-predictable meetings, Ink had hired News tale Sans- (I just made him up on the spot, dont judge me.) -to make it so that we wouldn't have to go to the meetings, but could keep up with what was going on around the multiverse, and Boom! The multiverse's personal newspaper company was born.

And ever since then, a copy of the latest hits was always left at every Sans or papyrus doorway, letting them know all they needed to watch out for, and all of the latest best puns just waiting to be read in the sans only section.

'Papyrus hated that section.' I chuckle a bit before taking another sip of coffee, and turning to the next page.

On the news paper:



By: The NewsTale Bros and THE AUTHOR.

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Error was found in the ORIGINAL AU: Undertale. We don't know exactly why he was there, but we must thank the stars that he was not doing anything besides walk and wonder. Ink had reportedly said: "It was in the middle of the Snowdin woods when I saw him. Honestly, I was shocked to see that he wasn't destroying the perfectly good AU, since that's the kind of AUs he likes destroying."

We all know what happens if the ORIGINAL AU is destroyed, the whole multiverse would go down with it. Same with the sans and papyrus of the AU, or any other character that belongs under the words: ORIGINAL UNDERTALE. If just one were to be killed outside of the AU, it would immediately send it to self destruct, therefore: end of the multiverse.

For Error to not be the one to go and destroy the ORIGINAL AU as soon as possible was rather odd. According to Ink: "Error would destroy the multiverse the second he had the chance. He is a soulless and insane monster. I warn all AUs to call me as soon as possible if this sans is ever seen in your AU." this has come to many of our sans's and papyrus's attention. We are still trying to pinpoint why exactly the ORIGINAL AU has not yet been destroyed, but trust us when we say: we are trying our hardest.

And remember, always buckle your seat belts. The car accidents that happen on the surface is a serious problem. Stay safe out there!


'Huh. that's new.' I think as I continue to re-read the whole passage.

When I was at the third round of re-reading the same frickin' passage, I started to wonder why the famous destroyer of AU's, -said to have set a life goal to destroy the multiverse- just not destroy the frickin' multiverse?!? I mean, I'm glad everyone's not dead and all, but I couldn't help but get the vibe that there was something we had missed. Something we weren't getting.

My thoughts were interrupted by a small voice on the other side of the walkie-talkie I had duck taped to the underside of my desk; and by using my engineering skills, I had made it so that the button you press to respond was wired up and attached to a fake trophy- in which I made it so that it would be easier to reach.

"Hey Sans, you are needed in room 206 immediately. You've got a very special patient."

I press and hold the -what I call- 'response button' on my shiny/fake trophy. "Alrighty then. What is he or she diagnosed with?" I ask calmly. Suddenly, a new but familiar voice spoke up.

"Heh, sorry for the short notice but I'm Classic, we've met before. And Sci is also here with me.  We. . .we need some help."

I frown. 'That's also new. . . I wonder what is going on.' once again, I press and hold the response button. "Don't worry." I pause, taking a second to think about what to say next. "give me five minutes."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I quickly get up and grab my clipboard. 'Maybe it's about Ink, seeing as he comes here on the daily due to his fights with Error- but then again, he never comes with any other escort beside Dream, so why is Sci and Classic both here?' I continue to wonder about the odd importance of my new patent as I leave my small office, only taking a second to debate whether I should leave my coffee or not.

I decided to leave the coffee and head straight to room 206, where this special patent was waiting for a doctor. . . or it could just be Classic and Sci waiting for help on some super teleportation portal, and they need me to make sure it was going to be a safe one. Hey, don't blame me for thinking it, it's happened before. They use that machine all the time, heck I bet they used it to get here.

I couldn't help but get excited as I walk up the stairs, I even start to skip some of the steps and walk faster, and before I knew it, I was standing in front of room 206.

I hesitate before opening the door. 'Should I knock? No. this is my hospital, I shouldn't have to knock. . . yet I feel like it's necessary . . .'  I quickly shake the thought away, and open the door. 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now