Chapter 23: Back to work.

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ok bie)

Error's Pov:

I wake up . . .in somewhere that was not the hospital room. There was a blind fold covering my eyes, and my hands were tied behind me. I curse under my breath in annoyance as I try to move.

"Language, Error." a voice spoke in a calm tone.

"Where am I?!" I yell, I was not in the mood for messing around. Out of nowhere, the blindfold was immediately ripped off, and a bright light shined in my eyes. I curse some more, but was ignored.

Once again I was tied up, but instead of the office chair, I was stuck to a metal foldable chair. 'Darn what happened to the respect?' Besides the flashlight that was being shined in my eyes, the room was completely dark. I couldn't see much.

The voice continued. "Ok Error, I need you to answer some questions. You are only aloud to answer 'yes' or 'no' Capeesh?" the light was moved, and in front of me I could now see a table, and a Mafiatale sans, Skull sitting on the opposite side. On the table was a tape recorder, the red light on it was blinking. 'Darnit, gotta choose my words carefully.' I think in annoyance.

How did I recognize him so easily you may ask? Easy. the top hat, gun, and smoke. He is one of the many sanses with a smoking problem, and he had the 'bad boy' look in his eyes- which was also alike many Sanses. But he, however, was living proof that the mix of the two is very scary.

He was sitting on the office chair from before, with an annoying grin on his face. "How did I get here?" I ask, ignoring his question from before.

He leans forward, pulling out a gun and aiming it at me. "I said, 'yes' or 'no' answers. Am I wrong?" I look away, not saying anything. There is a small clicking sound, indicating that Skull will not hesitate to shoot.

I sigh in frustration. It's not like the bullet could kill me, but it would be very painful experience. "fine." I grumble and he puts the gun down.

"Good." he leans back down to get something from underneath the table, pulling out a copy of the multiverse papers. "You were reported to be wondering around the original Undertale before capture. Were you planning to destroy the AU at all?" he points at one of the articles, but his gaze never left mine.

"No." I say.

He gives me a slight confused look, but continues. "Were you planning anything at all?"


"Were you looking for something?"


"What were you doing?"

" . . . No."

"Never mind about the 'yes' or 'no' thing [darnit]! Tell me!" He yells in annoyance. I flinch, and he seemed to notice, but doesnt say anything. His eye lights faded as he sat in a tense position, waiting for an answer.

So with a shaky breath, I answer. "I was bored. . . so I made a portal to a random AU. It was just a coincidence that I ended up in Undertale."

And just as I say that, he pulls out the gun again. "And how do I know your not lying?"

"Nevermind. . . " I mutter under my breath. Sadly for me, he heard.


I look up at him. "I said, Never. Mind."

He glares at me even more, and I start to question if that's even possible. " . . .What?"

Was he stupid? "No matter what I say, you will just always believe that I'm somehow lying. I mean, do you want me to lie and say that I was just about to end the multiverse by easily destroying the AU? I could have done that years ago." I say as if it was obvious.

His glare turned into a stare as his eyes widen in shock. "So your telling me, that you could have easily ended the multiverse years ago, but for some reason, you didn't do it?!"

I roll my eyes. "Oh yea, Im totally lying somehow. How about you use your detective skills for something more useful than questioning a Fate bounded villain?"

"Fate . . . bound?" He's shook.

"Oh, I seemed to have forgotten all of the things Ink doesn't like telling you, or does he just like to ignore?"

Skull stands up, his chair falling backwards. "WHAT?"

"Let me tell you something, Skull." I growl through my anger. Why cant I stop talking? "I will never be spilling any beans, not until Ink spills them first."

He immediately grabs the tape recorder, which had been recording the whole time. With the click of a button, he plays through the recording.


"Oh, I seemed to have forgotten all of the things Ink doesn't like telling you, or does he just like to ignore?"



"Let me tell you something, Skull, I will never be spilling any beans, until Ink spills them first."

The recorder clicks, indicating that that was when Skull had swiped it from its place on the table. He stares at me blankly. I glare back.

"Error . . ." he holds up his gun, once again aiming at me threateningly. "I am going to take this to Ink. you will stay here, and wait for me to come back."


oh no.

He leaves the room, and all I could do was sit here as he shows proof that I was probably keeping a real good secret. I don't know why, but suddenly I wanted to leave. Run away. Never come back. I was scared that if Ink finds out. . . he would use torture in order to get his answers.

At that thought, I immediately start to struggle in my seat.

I needed to leave.

I needed to get to safety.

I struggle more. The chair falls backwards as I go down with it.


Wait a minute. . .

I summon a bone.



Skull forgot to keep the magic resistant handcuffs on my hands.

I almost feel bad for him.

Emediantly, I start cutting at the ropes, receiving a successful snap as knots were undone. As soon as I was free, I quickly stand up and stretch. 'I had been sitting in to many chairs and beds for way to long.' I think as I hear a number of satisfying popping noises.

As soon as I was done, I check the code. Surprisingly, I was still in Medicale- I was just a few floors down, in the basement. I close the portal and make another to my "room." There, placed on a chair, was my black and blue jacket. I quickly walk through the glitching portal and take it.

It felt so nice to have it back. Out of habit, I hug the jacket close to me. Even thought it smelled of ashes, dust, and blood, it was still my jacket. Out of all of the voices and Blue, my jacket has always been there to comfort me. It has always been there to walk me through all of my daily beatings, and to wipe away my tears.

It was all I had left from wherever I had come from.

I put it on, turning to open a portal to the Anti-void. And just like that, I was back.

Back in the Anti-void.

Back to work.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now