Chapter three: lee shopping spree.

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Error, yes, the one and only Error, is short in this fanfic. You read me, dis ebil destroyer is short.

Fell's Pov:

I feel bad for not taking Classic with me, but even if I did bring him with, it would only cause chaos, and obviously destruction. I really, really hope I don't have another panic attack in front of Error too, it could cause the death of me..... I would never admit it out loud, but I'm absolutely terrified.

Error's Pov: 

I step out of the portal I made and close behind me out of habit. It felt so weird walking into another AU (Other than Underswap or Outertale.) and not destroying it, then again, I was in Undertale, and if I were to destroy Undertale, the first AU ever, I could easily end the multiverse with the snap of my fingers. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm not that evil so, I can't. (also Fate would kill me if she/he found out I was planning to destroy the most amazing: Undertale itself.) 

I look around to see that I'm in some sorta ally way. I quickly get to my feet and put my hood up. 'The humans here would be pretty freaked out if they spy a walking skeleton up here.' I think to myself as I dig through the closest garbage dump. After a while I find a "nice" pair of yellow gloves and a pair of knee high, black and grey striped socks. There was no way I was going to change into some pants in a creepy alleyway only to hide my leg bones.

I quickly take off my slippers and slide on both of the socks. Happily, they went about to my waist, so it seemed like I was wearing a pair of pants, underneath a pair of shorts.

I slide my slippers back on and stand up. Very proud of myself, I slide on the yellow gloves and walk out of the ally way, making sure my hood was more the on, so it covered about half my face.

After a couple minutes of total wonder, I run into what looks like a store. It had a symbol, lights and everything. Including the open sign. I speed walk over their. It was kinda already dark outside, so some people where leaving. But not everyone!

I walk inside and start to slow down a little bit once I reach the section where a stack of red baskets where set up next to all the shopping carts. I quickly reached down to grab one of the baskets. I wasn't really planning on getting much, And I was basically planning to steal whatever interests me by simple taking a shortcut, but I came here to play house for a bit.

Time skip~

I have wondered around this store for a full hour.

I am so proud of myself for somehow not getting caught.

Know one can stop me know!


Fell's Pov:

It took me only a couple minutes to find Error, (20 min) but I most definitely did find him, and people would expect the destroyer of AUs to be busy working on fun ways to destroy the AU, but this guy? Nope.

Error the god of destruction, was on a shopping spree.

And he was wearing a pair of sorts, on top of a pair of pant..... how stubborn do you have to be? Well, it made sense for him to hide his appearance. We were skeletons after all, and I had to do the same. But I got myself ONE pair of pants, and I swapped out my shorts in the closest ally way, in which Error had just walked out of. I was surprised when he did not noticed me, then again, I was like a mile away. And now I was here, in the store with the guy. Who is this skeleton? Well, he's not as insane as Ink reminded us about a thousand times.

I peek around the corner of a shelf to see the glitchy skeleton smile a simple smile, and not the insane one Ink apparently sees on a daily basis. He takes a second to admire the sewing machines before continuing on his way towards the knitting section. For a second he looked sad... like really sad. But immediately straightened up as he picked up a ball of yarn.

I wanted to die, I had a full blown PANIC attack, over this guy, and classic was there!

Error's Pov:

This was the life! Sewing and knitting materials where every ware! My basket was full of the stuff!

I pause to look at the sewing machines, they were SO extra, just beautiful. I wished I could have one, but I couldn't. To have a random sewing machine in the Anti-void would be so freaking weird, and would probably get destroyed in one of my battles with Ink.

I sigh as I pull my gaze away from the machines. The fun was going to end as soon as Ink makes another AU, so what's the point? I'd have to drop my crap and leave undertale as fast a possible, just to end the annoying pain... Ugh! This is why I hated life at moments like these!

I sigh once again as I walk back to the knitting section, and pick the coolest ball of yarn. Like, It had glitter, and a dark pink, purple and blue mixed in with some black. It made me think about the sky's in Outertale, the pretty pretty stars... this was definitely a keeper. I put the ball of yarn in my basket when I hear a shuffle coming from around the corner. The feeling of being watch hit me so hard, I almost lost my grip on the basket.

Being watched is, in my opinion, the most scariest thing ever. Even if no one could be watching me, it's still terrifying. The problem was, who would watch me? Maybe a human noticed my differences, and decided to get a closer look? They could have just talked to me. I just REALLY hope the Sans of this AU was not here. It would be the WORST, and I'd have no choice but to deal with it.

I say my prayers as I turn towards the corner. Only to this time drop my basket in surprise.

Fell's Pov:

Ah. welp, I hope Errors in a good mood today cuz he heard me trying to play with the irresistible toys that were neatly displayed one the end of the shelf I was hiding behind. He seemed to pause as if wondering about what to do in situations like these. I hear a grunt as he regains his grip on the basket he was holding. Wait.... Was that...A sign of fear?

I shake the thought from my head. Welp, I might as well start a conversation with him, he knows I'm here. He had his back turned towards me, so he was facing the shelf full colorful yarn. I walk up behind him and stop a foot away. Preparing for whatever reaction Error gives me.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now