Chapter 26: Hero

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Im sorryyyyyy *cry* 

Its been soooo long.... 

and I said I was back but really I wasnt annnnndndnddndnbfjisedfbnuisk 

BUT its not over.... I am still here! and I will try to get back into the habit of updating at least every week, or two weeks, but uhhuhuhu yea enjoy this chapter, the next will be here soon!


Ink's pov:

I freeze as I read through the glitching letters on Error's check box.

and... I believed it.

It all made sense now, everything. When I stopped creating, Error would stop destroying because he didn't have to worry about...

the multiverse...



This f-feeling... It felt like I had swallowed a rock... What was this??

Tears quickly fell down my face as I reach over and lightly hug the glitching skeleton. Error pauses, glitching (a lot) before burying his face into my scarf, crying his heart out. "I-I'm s-s-so sorry for n-not telling y-y-you..."

"N-no! I should be sorry, t-this is all my fault! I was creating while you had to s-suffer the consequences!" I say while hugging him tighter.

Error's glitches started to go crazy, making me immediately let go. He takes in a quick breath before looking at the tv screen. "H3h... I-I gue$s I spillEd the b3Ans..."

I let out a silent chuckle, before grabbing the remote and standing up. Error silently wipes off his tears while standing up with me. I turn to him with a small smile, already knowing what I'm about to do. "I've made a decision. Error, from now on, I won't be creating aus, or copies anymore." I say with a look of determination.

In return, he gives me a look of disbelief. "R-rəałly? Y-y0u'd d0 that? F-før mə?" He says as more tears start to fall.

"Yes, you deserve better... after all, you've been saving the multiverse!" I say with a smile.

"Your a hero!"


I jump to catch to badly glitching skeleton as he fell to the floor. "Error?!" I whisper as I start to shake him a bit- ok a lot. He wasn't waking up... Oh stars, did I break him!? "Error! Are you ok?! Please, wake up!" I say a bit louder.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I quickly pull it out of my pocket and look to see that Blue was calling. I then look over my shoulder to also see that in one of the boxes labeled 'US' had a small blue clad skeleton waving frantically at me through the screen.

I quickly pick up. "Blue-"

"INK!! Calm down! He just crashed! Do you hear numbers counting??" Blue yells through the phone.

I paused, looking back down at the limp skeleton in my arms; listening carefully.




The sound was rather quiet, but I could still hear it. Was this what happened when Classic tried holding Error? No wonder Sci thought it was a bomb...

"Y-yes, I can hear it counting up. Is that good?" I ask, turning back to the tv.

Blue smiles at me. "Yes!! That's fantastic! He'll be back soon. Can you make a portal for me?" He asks. I nod, reaching back and grabbing broomie before swiping it across the floor, creating a portal next to Blue and a very confused Stretch. Blue smiled and hung up, ignoring his brother as he jumped through the portal, quickly appearing next to me.

"I-I just well... we were talking a-and I... he..." I try to explain.

Blue lets out a chuckle as he gently takes Error away from my grasp. "Don't worry, he's fine. I just dont think he's used to the idea of being called a hero..."

I look down, the weird feeling slowly getting stronger. "I-I guess saying it wasn't the best idea..." I mutter. (half to myself.)

"Its ok, it was just a lot to take in for him!" The blue clad skeleton said, quickly giving me a reassuring pat on the back.

"Ok... I guess..."

Sci's pov:



Square roots.

I hadn't seen what the full check had said, but I had read enough to see the 'forced' part before 'destroyer of aus.'

Forced destroyer of aus.

That is not how villains play out in Alphy's anime....

The sentence played over and over in my mind... this was what Error had been hiding when we had checked him in Medictale! I couldn't even imagine what would happen if he hadn't glitched the check box.

Oh wait.

I probably could.

Fell's pov:

Holy fu-

I mean...

Holy mother of Papyrus.

I was terrified.

Of a guy.

Of this skeleton

This one, very much kick a*s skeleton,

Who had literally NO plans on hurting me.



There is one benefit though, and it's the fact that the boss has officially left the room.

Outer's Pov: (lol I kinda forgot about him)

I stare, my mind a haze.

Would... would this mean I can see Error in person?

Without getting in trouble?

Without having to stalk him every time he's at my au?

Maybe I can...

ask him to dinner sometime...

Classic's Pov:

I watch carefully as Blue stands up, carrying a limp Error in his arms. "I'm going to take him back to my place... since we kinda... maybe... have been secretly friends this whole time..."

Ink jumps back in shock. "WAIT- WHAT? SINCE WHEN???" I chuckle a bit at Ink's reaction, it wasn't surprising for me though- since Blue had dropped a lot of hints when me and Fell went to visit.

"Mweh heh heh! Since Error accidentally brought me back with him to the Anti-void! you know, the 'kidnapping' thingie!" Blue says as his bandana flowed elegantly in the nonexistent wind. I don't bother thinking to deep into it though, it was a qwerk almost every papyrus equivalent had.

Ink looked like he was about to say something, but stops. "What do you mean... 'Accidentally'?" He asks.

Blue looks down at Error with a small frown. "When he had finally woken up... I scared the crap out of him." He said, looking over his shoulder and at the camera, since we all were told were it was. "H-heh... Turns out after a bit of explaining he had been constantly destroying aus for two weeks straight, due to being a bit late to one of your... 'creation sprees' as he likes to call it."

'Two weeks straight... wait, does that mean-'

"We became best friends after that, well, since I couldn't leave him alone... he needed help. But after a bit he kinda... maybe... well... had to kick me out of the Anti-void due to the fear that one of his fights would hurt me, of course with the promise to visit my au every once in a while!"

My soul sunk. We had been told that Error kidnapped Blue, and that Ink saved him.

The look of terror on Ink's face as he glanced at the camera told me everything.

Blue's story was true. 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now