chapter nine: :)

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A/N: Hello lovely humans! :')

So, I've counted up the votes, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Outer is winning....

Ink: 1

Red: 1

Fresh: 2

Classic: 3

Nightmare: 3

Outer: 4 I guess we have a winner!!!!! ;)

(ps, If you have not noticed I also made a separate book for Fresh X Error, and I might do the same with ether Classic X Error or Red/Fell (whatever I'm supposed to call him...)
Underfell sans X Error, so ya!)



guys. I have discovered it is too hard to stick with only one ship. so this is not only an Error x Outer book, but its also an Error x who ever the heck I want. 

that includes: 

Error x Nightmare, 

Error x ink, 

Error x Dream, 

Error x Fresh, 

Error x Red, (underfell sans) 

and Error x Classic. 

(maybe even Error x someone from Nightmare' gang) 



Red Pov:

After I had found Error's sweater, I looked EVERYWHERE for the god of destruction, but Error was nowhere to be found. I even called my bro and told him about what I had found, He panicked and came running to help search for the destroyer that may be in our AU.

We looked at Grillby's, no Error;

We search through Snowdin, no Error;

We even checked the RUINs! No Error.

The last place to check was above ground, but none of the monsters felt a thing at all. They did not feel like throwing up, or were experimenting any crazy headaches like how Classic had described. All evidence was pointing toward Error not even being in Underfell.

I layed around on the couch not knowing what to do, stuck in my own mind. My bro was still running around in the Hotlands hoping that he could somehow "chase" Error out of our AU. but to tell the truth, I don't think he's even here. Sure, calling Ink was totally an option, but paps refused stating: "I will be the one to chase him out this time!" And so on.

I sit up. Blue had also disappeared to. According to the other sanses, they think he locked himself inside his own home, no one knows why.

I let out another huge sigh and raise both of my hands in the air, and take a deep breath. It was one of my ways to calm down, to think. Classic taught me how to do it, and to my surprise, it actually works.

Breath in...1....2....3.....4.....5......

Hold.....5.... 6....7......

Breath out.....1.......2......3......

I felt all of my thoughts wash away, and get replaced with all the fun things I could do while my bro is gone. I smile. The idea on checking on Blue and find out what he's been up to rang in my head, and did not leave me alone.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now