chapter two: lee pair o sans's

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Classic could only stare at the spot the glitchy skeleton had disappeared. The skeleton next to him was breathing hard, Classic would never understand how Error did not notice the loud gasps for air behind the small bushes. Fell, Underfell sans, was most likely having a panic attack.

Classic reached over to pat his back, hoping to calm the poor guy down. After a couple of minutes, it worked. The skeleton calmed down and glared at the place where the portal closed.

He and Fell were just chating about what had been going on lately, you know, the regular 'Ink's crazy plan to stop or end Error, The God Of Destruction!' but no matter what Ink does or plans to do just to convince the guy to stop destroying the AUs, it never works, and most of the sans's have been getting bored of the whole thing.

It was just sad watching the creator try to stop the guy with words but wasn't even willing to make friends with him. It just seemed that at this point Ink wanted the Destroyer dead.


"What if we somehow made friends with him, and then we could take it as a chance to end him once we get his trust!" Fell, -who had just started to drink a nice bottle of mustered- yelled out as soon as the idea hit him.

"That's an amazing idea! If only we hadn't tried that more than 100 times!" yelled an annoyed Ink.

Fell's bro/boss hit him smack back in the head. "Ow! Hey!" Fell grumbled, sitting back down and rubbing his head.

"That's for being stupid."

"Well, it's not my fault these meetings are getting more and more boring every week!"

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Ink growls. Sans's all around the room went silent.

"N-no, nothing's going on, it's just this meeting is so interesting!" Fell immediately yells out.

"That's right, were going to end the evil destroyer once and for all!" Yelled another sans.

delight shines across the Creator's face. "Yes, yes we are! And this time all make sure he will pay..." It was then Ink went into his own world, not caring about the few sanses who got chills all over.

Flashback end~

But the thing that truly confused the two skeletons was why in the world would the destroyer of freaking AUs, appear in his AU, and not destroy it.

Classic's Pov:

Fell let out a small huff before standing up.

"So, should we follow him?" He said, as if nothing happened.

"Uh.. sure pal. But all I know is how to follow shortcuts, and I'm pretty sure that was not a shortcut. We could just call ink-"

"No, Error doesn't seem like a threat at the moment, he could be planning something. I want to find out what it could be, and if your too scared to follow him then I will." Fell growled, interrupting me. I couldn't help but snicker.

I stand up to his level. "Says the guy who had a panic attack over Error casually popping into existence." He gave me a glare.

"...Heh, good one pal. If I hear another word about my panic attack and I'll make sure your life will be worse than death." He growls after a couple of awkward seconds full of hatred.

"Ok, ok, calm down, I was only joking." I say after putting my hands up and lazily backing away a step or two. I look around trying to figure out where Error could have gone to.

Then it hit me, I felt it. Error was not in the UNDERGROUND, he went to the surface. Fell must have felt it to, because his face changed from annoyance to slight shock. Monsters simply can't go above ground until the human helps or something. Error should not even be up there!

"What the..." Fell mumbles.

"Same pal...." I say. How in the flipping world are we supposed get up there? Well, Sans's have a little thing called shortcuts on their side, but it takes a lot of power. Like A LOT of power to get up there, and I risk destroying my AUs story, or adding another ending.

...Or even destroy the au.

Error was a lot smarter than I thought.

"You sure you want to come with me to follow the guy?" Fell sighs, already knowing the answer.

"nah, I'll stay behind..." I mumble, he nods in agreement.

"...I'll make sure you'll be the first sans to find out what Error's up to. Kay?" Fell lets out a small smile. I smile back.

"Yea, you better."

"Ok bud, see you soon."

"Yeah... see ya soon..."

There a flash of light and Fell is gone.

(757 words) 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now