Chapter 22: Mafia.

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Error's Pov:

Well, it took five minutes but Doc came back. (and I may have or may have not counted each and every second in those five minutes out of pure boredom.) He closes the door behind him as he turned to me, holding what looked like some stacked paper in his grasp. "This is the multiverse newspaper, your in it almost every week." he says as he walks over and hands it to me. I take it.

"I am?" I ask as I open it and flip through it. The paper felt smooth and nice, and the fresh smell of coffee hit my nose as I took a closer look at one of the pictures. It was a picture from when Doc had CHECKED me, the second I had woken up. On the paper my expression was of fear and shock, but the glitched up words which covered all of my secrets made made up for the stupid look in my eyes. I had glitched those words, and the real message behind them is something the Star Sanses will never know.

"Like the picture?" Doc asks, looking over my shoulder. His sudden transition from in front of me to behind me made me jump a little.

"No, why would I like it? You idiots just stuck it on there for everyone to see without even bothering to ask." I grumble in annoyance.

"Oh. well, I'm sorry." he says blankly. 'And I'm somehow finding that hard to believe. . .' I think, watching him as he walks out of the room. He paused before closing the door. "Expect visitors." he says, and then leaves the room, leaving the door slightly open.

I sigh and look back down to the newspaper, wondering what exactly he meant by 'expect visitors.' The only monster I could think of who had the non-existent guts to visit me is . . . actually a lot of monsters. There was Ink, who would probably question me; Dream who might bring food; and maybe Classic and Fell. or even Reaper. Blue wouldn't he able to come cuz he has been missing, and if Fresh comes, well- there's not much to talk about, I hate the guy.

I sink into the blankets of my bed as I grab my glasses and put them on. 'I guess that I might as well read this . . .'

MafiaTale Sans Pov:

With two fingers I take the cigarette out of my mouth and stomp on it. Then I pull out another cigarette and light it, placing it back in my mouth before taking it out again and blowing some smoke.

"sigh . . ."

It was March XX, 201X, when Error, the so called destroyer of AUs, was first captured by our creator, Ink. the news has spread faster than a bomb fire, driving my bro and Gaster mad with curiosity. Error was later questioned the next day, but got triggered due to Classic- the original sans's question:

" . . . Why were you crying? . . ."

Error's answer still rung in my head. "What the hell gave you the right to dig through my personal space?"

'course, I wasn't there when they had interrogated him, I got this information from the Multiverse papers. I had come out of my AU with Sci's help and with questions, and I'm coming back with answers. There was no way my bro was going to tag along, this was way too dangerous, so I went on my own. Only leaving a note behind.

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Hey paps,

I'm going to disappear for awhile.

while I'm gone, I need you to take care of the human kitty cat.

it has been sick for a while, and is in need of your famous Mystery spaghetti.

Love, your bro.


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"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now