Chapter nineteen: awake.

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No one's Pov:

Silents rang across the room, everyone had their eyes on the -now awake and probably grumpy- god of destruction. Error looked oddly pale, and he seemed to have woken up in a cold sweat, but he continued to act as if nothing was wrong.

Sci tries to break the awkward silents. "E-Error! Y-your awake . . ."

"I know that." Error sits up in an attempted criss-cross position, seeing as his foot was attached to the bed, he gives Sci a blank look.

Sci didn't know why, but the feeling of embarrassment was starting to drag him down. "H-how long were you. . . er. . . awake?"

"long enough." Error smiles before continuing. "You were saying?"


"go ahead, continue what you were going to say about the 'CHECK'. I won't judge you." Error's smile gradually got bigger as Sci's face started to look stupider.

"O-oh, uhh. . ." Sci hesitantly look over to Doc as he tries to regain his train of thought. 'Holly frick. I really don't want to be the one to get Error mad, but by the looks of things I don't get much of a choice.' Sci chooses his words very carefully. "I-it shows that we are m-missing a big chunk o-of Error's info. . . a-and maybe we should ask m-more questions and study h-him more when he, uhh wakes up. . ." Doc could see that Sci was now sweating bullets, and the expression on his face showed that he was terrified.

Doc's Pov:

I continue to nod as Sci finishes his forced report. I felt really bad for the poor guy, I didn't think that Sci is this scared of Error, I mean, we have full control over Error as long as he couldn't escape. Hmm. . . speaking of which, I should ask why Error was so light weigh now that he is awake.

"Good, good. Umm. . . you can calm down know, I got the point." I say with a reassuring nod before turning to Error, who was staring blankly out the window. He wasn't even paying attention to what Sci was saying.

I follow his gaze, carefully studying his expression. Outside, there was the cliff where thousands of spikes rested at the bottom, they could impale anyone who dare fall from the cliffs edge. It wasn't a pretty sight, but the hospital was built near the cliff for that very reason.

I turn to Sci and Classic. "Hey Classic?"

He hums in response, so I continue. "I need you to go ask the Toriel here for some soup. and Sci, I need you go to the cafeteria and get a glass of water. Will you both do that for me?"

Sci gives me a grateful nod and Classic responded with a small 'k.' and with a short flash, they were both gone.

I look over to Error, now that we were alone I could ask some questions with a less chance of him getting uncomfortable. Quickly, I go sit at the foot of the bed. I click on my pen and start by writing 'Error sans' on the clipboard. he flinches, and looks down at the ground. "Ok Error, I'm going to ask some questions, is that ok with you?"


I pause, wondering if I should ask questions anyway. "If your worried that I'm going to use these questions against you, let me inform you that it is not my intention to do so. My name is Doc, my only job here is to help, not harm. Do you understand?" Error looks up at me, his multicolored eyes seemed to be searching me for threats.

Finally, Error shrugged his shoulders with a sigh. "Fine, what do you want to know?"

I smile at him. "When was the last time you've eaten?"

". . .eaten?"

I felt my smile disappear. "Um, yes. Do you not remember?"

Error seemed suddenly off. "I . . .I had some cereal with uh. . . Milk? Yes, milk and that was . . . about two or three days ago." Error looked back out the window, but instead of a blank look, he was frowning.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now