chapter four: STUPID

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Fell's Pov:

I jump in surprise as Error had turned around before I could even introduce myself. Even though he already kinda knows me, it felt right to try and communicate before he does something stupid.

"H- wHut?" his voice glitched, he dropped the basket he was holding.

I immediately raise both of my hand out of my pockets to show that I meant no harm. he looked slightly confused, and terrified. Yet, at that second he seemed already prepared to fight. He tensed up and got into a fighting position. I smile and let one of my arms fall and the other reach out to him.

"H-hey, don't you know how to greet y-your new pal?" I say as clearly as possible through my fear.

Error's Pov:

Welp, at least my prayers were answered, not in a way I would have expected thought. I tense up and ready my strings. Fell had been the one that was watching me, creepy stalker. At least he didn't have Classic with him.

"H-hey, don't you know how to greet y-your new pal?" 

I freeze.

What in the multiverse gave Fell that idea? Why? When did he suddenly want to be friends? This must be some sorta trap, I can't think of any other reason why he would say that. Fell looks kinda terrified, it was kinda funny how the taller skeleton by and inch was scared of little old me. I allow myself to calm down only a little, but I keep my strings ready. Just because Fell wants to shake hands or something doesn't mean I'll put my guard down. I take a deep breath and clear my throat before talking.

"Do you need something?" I grumble, Fell looked shocked for a second before shaking his head.

"Uhh.. y-your voice?" Fell questions, I raise an non-existent eyebrow as an answer ....Then I realize my mistake. 'welp, Fell caught me off Guard....I'm going to need to be more careful next time.'

"sO wHat, mY VOiCe? have I scaring you? Cuz if I have been then my role as the sCaRy bAd GuY has been a success." I pause before continuing "Just because my voice is all glichty one day doesn't mean it's always a glitched up and a mess." I let out a snort.

Fell flinches at my answer. Putting his hand down for a minute but quickly putting it back up so I could shake it. I roll my eyes before leaning down to pick up my basket full of yarn and other random stuff. I pause and look at him for a second. Is he still waiting for me to shake my hand?

I frown. "For the last time, do you need something from me? Or are you going to call InK or something?" I say again, getting annoyed. He just stands there. Isn't his arm getting tired?

"I'm NOT going to call Ink." Fell states, suddenly sounding serius.

"Ok then..." i mumble, this Fell guy was getting kinda weird. He seems more scared than angry at me because of my job. What the heck did he want? An explanation? Cuz, he's not getting one any time soon.

"I just want to know what your doing here," fell pauses before straightening his back. "A-are you going to destroy this AU or something?" I look at him.

Crap. I need an excuse or something... "uhHhhh... how about you tell me why your in the wrong AU?......... hmm?" I smile. Yes! Hahaha! I feel very accomplished.

Fell looks taken back. "O-oh, uhhhhhh... Because I was talking to Classic...?" I couldn't help but glare at him.

I also couldn't help but feel mad at him. HE has a friend to talk to. I always wanted someone to talk to, but the only people I have were Blue and Outer. And I have to be careful with Outer because it turns out that he was a spy for the star sanses... He doesn't know I know, but sometimes I feel like shoving Outer off the edge of that cliff.

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now