Chapter ten: thinking 'bout things.

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Errors Pov:

I close the portal behind me as I glance around my cold and empty "home" of a void.

I sigh and stare blankly into the emptiness of the Anti-void. I liked to call the place a safe zone, Why? Well, because only 3 skeletons that I new by name could get in. (which was a lot better than the whole multiverse somehow getting into the Anti-void.) buuuut those 3 happen to be Fresh, Me, and.....Ink. my so called mortal enemy.

But hey! Ink basicly avoids the place! (Idk why tho) So like, I have just as much of a right to call the Anti-void a safe zone.

I clench my fist, thinking about the times when Ink had followed me into the Anti-void, in which I was trying to get away from him. He had continued to attack me, doing a number of good hits, just because I had been off guard.

I try to shake away the memory, and ended up successful. Why? Cuz my phone started vibrating, signifying that someone was trying to call me. I lift the phone out of my pocket and check the number,

It was Blue, and oh yea! ...I left the house without telling him....


'I must have given the guy a heart attack, so stupid...'

I recall the last time I had gotten pretty wounded after a fight with Ink, and ended up running to underswap instead of the Anti-void. This was after I had let Blue go so we were already friends and stuff.

Blue's bro, Stretch, had attacked me the second I had entered the AU. Blue had to pretend he was dying just to get Stretch away from me. A couple minutes after both brothers left, Blue came running back only to find that I had left to the Anti-void, and he actually DID have a heart attack that time.

probably because he had thought I died or something.

Anyway, apparently Ink found him and had the human reset, so all was well.

The part where last time Blue actually HAD a heart attack was fairly terrifying. One: Because this time Blue basically locked himself and me in his house. (he did not do that much of a good job because I had easily gotten out.) And two: how would anyone be able to find a dieing Blue, if all the doors and windows are locked?


I looked at the phone with hesitation, reminding myself over and over that Blue would not be having a heart attack if he were calling me.

I answer the phone.

"Error!" Blue gasped/sighed in relief.

"Sup Blue." I say, still glad Blue hadn't died. 'Heh, Blue would have just come back anyways after the human RESET.' I think to myself as I listen calmly to all of Blue's rants about how I should have texted him, or at least left a note saying I was going shopping or something.

"Ok, ok. Calm down, I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep last night... so I went to Outertale for a bit and came back to the Anti-void well, cuz...uhh...habits y'know?"

"Fine." Blue grunted. "But you are going to pay with my most amazing taco lessons the next time you disappear on me! Then you will be HAVE to make your own tacos!"

I could almost see that Blue was grinning on the other side of the phone, probably planning on that becoming a reality. "Alright then, we have a deal?" I say.

"Ha! You bet!" Blue yells in his own exciting way.

I smile. "K then, ima go hang out in the Anti-void or something until Ink decides to create another AU, you go work on making up an excuse for locking yourself in your own house. Ok?"

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now