chapter fifteen: put me down!

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Classic's Pov:

I look behind me to see a beautiful sunrise, recognizing how famous Dreamtale was for its common nature. Heh. Speaking of Dreamtale, I stood right in front of the castles wooden doors. Next to me stood Sci, Sciencetale sans. He was already holding his clipboard and pen. We were here to ask Dream for permission to do a little something, and also give a certain someone a check-up.

You may be wondering, where was Fell of all people? Shouldn't he be there with me and Sci? Well, I can't say that he didn't want to tag along. After all, what we had planned was all Fell's idea. But his bro forced him to help with the missing Blueberry case, so he couldn't be apart of his own plan.

Sci looked over to me, but quickly looked back to his clipboard and jotted down some extra notes. The notes he was taking down was nothing about me, no. They were notes on what we already knew about the certain someone we were going to visit.

I look at Sci and give him a reassuring nod before knocking on the door.

knock* knock* knock*

I hum as I wait for someone to answer.

There was a sudden crashing noise from the other side of the doors, making me and Sci both jump. Suddenly, one of the heavy wooden doors was flung open, and it would have hit both of us if we had not teleported in time.

On the other side of the door stood Dream, with a surprised look on his face. "Oh! Sci, Classic, what are you guys doing here?" he said as he took a step towards us.

"The real question is are you ok? We heard a crashing noise coming from inside of the castle." Sci looks at Dream with a worried expression.

"Oh, yeah! The crashing noise was you guys scaring the crap outta Ink."

"Really?" I smile. "what's broken?"

"Oh, just one of Ink's many glass masterpieces, he was about to finish it up when you guys knocked. In other words, it kinda exploded." Dream smiles.

Ink pops his head out from the other side of the room. "Molding glass is very hard ya'know!!" He yelled at us. I let out a chuckle, is was funny how we had easily scared the creator. Ever since they had kidnapped Error, Ink had been on full edge mode, making him more jumpy.

"So Dream, we were wondering if you would let us borrow you-know-who." I give Dream a serious look.

Dream looks from me to Sci, and then back to me. "For what? And how?" He said in a hushed voice.

Ink walked up to join in with our little conversation. "You mean Error? That's completely unsafe. He could-"

"Blah, blah, blah, Calm down! We know what Error could do, and we are also aware that Error could escape at any time. But don't worry, we have a plan. We just gotta do a check up. Just like going to the doctors, to see how healthy he is and find some possible weaknesses." I say, looking Ink in the eyes.

Ink lets out a huff. "Fine, but I bet $2000 G he's going to escape somehow."

"Oh, it's on." I give him a challenging smile.

Error's Pov:

'This is so comfortable! I should stay like this forever. . .' I think as I sink into the comfort of the blanket. I had wrapped the blanket around me like a sushi. Cuddle up against the wall, sitting on my 'bed'.

I had sat like this for a full two hours due to the fact that it felt as cold as a early winter storm. There was no heaters in the cell I was in, and no lights ether. It was cold, and dark. 'Just Like Something from a nightmare. . .'

A shiver goes up my spine.

Suddenly, the door to my Cell opened, sending unwanted light into my prison. At the door stood Classic, Of all people.. and Sci, who seemed to be more focused on his clipboard than anything else.

"Uhg. . . what do you want?" I let out a groan of annoyance. Classic looked at me, but didn't say anything.

Sci looked up from his clipboard. "O-oh, umm. . . we are here to give you a check-up. And, may I ask, what are you doing?"

I glare at him before standing up with the blanket still wrapped around me. "Oh, so I can't relax now? wow, your guys's rules sure are twisted." Dream, who was standing behind the two looked like I had hit him with a stone hammer or something. Classic's eye lights go out.

"No no no! I was just. . . ummm . . ." Sci looks kinda speechless.

I glare at him. "So, how is this going to work? Are you going to whack me in the head or something in attempt to knock me out or what?" The second I had said that Classic had broken from his daze.

Classic smiles. "Well, no. . . but we are going to have to secure you so that you don't run away." he pulls out two pairs of probably magic resistant handcuffs from his pockets. I roll my eyes at him before pulling the blanket off of me and folding it. I take my time doing this cuz I had the feeling whatever they had planned was not going to be fun.

"Hurry up. We are wasting time." Classic looked impatient. I place the folded blanket on the bed and smirk at him.


"Just hold still." He walks over and grabs my hands, making me flinch. He must have noticed because his grip on both of my hands tightened, but he wasn't putting on the handcuffs, no. he seemed to be studying every bone that was a part of my hands.

He raised up one of my hands so that it could be seen by Sci and Dream, who stood behind him. "What's this? Where did the blood come from?" Classic glares at me.

"Blood?" I look at my hands, and then immediately remember. 'Oh . . . he's talking about the dried blood on the tips of my fingers from when I had ripped a number of strings out of them to throw at the wall in disappointment when my portals wouldn't work. . . yea they bleed alot when I do that.'

"Hmm... I dont know what your talking about." Was the answer I decided to go with. There was no way I was going to explain all of that to him.

"Thats bull. You guys seeing what I'm seeing right?" Classic looked back to Dream and Sci, they both nodded.

I roll my eyes, but Classic seemed to be staring them down with a 'you better tell me what's up with your hands' glare.

After I hadn't said anything in response he seemed to have given up and quickly put the handcuffs on me. He bent down to put some handcuffs on my feet as well. With the clicking noise of them locking in place he stood up and glared at me one last time before ruffly grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the exit.

Due to the handcuffs on my feet being kind of hard to walk with, I almost trip. But Classic immediately pulls me upward, accidently lifting me off the ground due to how light I was. Even thought I was only a inch or two off of the ground, I still panicked.

"PUt m3 d0wN!" I yell.

Classic emediantly does just that. "How are you so. . . the opposite of heavy?" He asks once I was set down, but he didn't let go of my arm.

"Why are you so strong? Hmm?" I ask in annoyance.

Classic picks me up.

"AhH! St0p!!" I yell once again.

"Fix that attitude of yours and I'll let you walk on your own. But for now, I will carry you there." Classic said as he held me bridle style. 



"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now