chapter six: Red sweaters.

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Error's Pov:

Blue had called the second I got into Underswap, saying that he suddenly had some visitors. I asked him who they where, And he said:


"Questions for who?"


"Oh, well... Don't tell them my secrets..? It's not like they will actually ask any other question besides why I destroy AUs... so.. Maybe you can lie and say you have nothing to do with me...?"

Blue sighed so loud I had to move the phone away a little.




"See you soon."




And that was the end of our conversation. I guess I have to wait until Blue sends a message or calls me, so I guess I can do whatever until then.

I open a portal to the Anti-void, hop in, and make sure I close the portal behind me. The basket full of my random knitting material lay sideways on the Anti-void floor. I pick up the basket and put the balls of yarn that fell out back in. the only things that I left out was my new red sweater, and the scarf I was making for Blue.

I take of my dusty coat and old sweater. It felt so weird to do that through. I felt exposed, even through I was in the Anti-void; the supposedly safest place for me to chill. It just, pushed me way out of my comfort zone. 'Ugh! Hurry!' I think as I quickly slide my new sweater over my head. Once I got it on-



The sweater felt SO freaking soft! I had definitely gotten the right material. I felt so freaking comfy! I was definitely going to have the best time without having to destroy anything! I felt so, so.... Satisfied. I was finally satisfied! Sure I got some sort of satisfaction from managing to destroy AUs without having to fight Ink, But this satisfaction made me feel so proud of myself!

I felt like I could do anything! Anything at all! 'Blue is going to love his new scarf!' I think as I put my coat back on over my new sweater, and start working on the finishing touches on Blue's scarf.

I shove my old sweater into a small portal that lead to Underfell. Heh, that place was a dump anyway.

Time skip! XD

I had kinda finished Blue's scarf a little bit early, but that was ok! I got to work on some dolls for some of the Charas.

The voices were talking a lot when I had finished Blue's scarf. They said stuff like:


'cool scarf! Is it for Blue?'


'that sweater looks disgusting.'

Of course none of the insults really hurt me, I'm pretty used to the crap they give me every day...or time I come here to do stuff? Time kinda doesn't exist here, so.. Yea, time I guess.

Only one of their insults kinda hurt..... But that was ok! 'The voices have their opinions, but that doesn't mean their opinions matter.' I quickly repeat in my head as I stand up, putting my stuff back in the basket.

I pick up my phone and type in my pin.


5 Calls and 3 messages. All of them from one person: Blue.

'Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap....' was the new thing that repeated in my head as I open a portal to Underswap and jump through it.

Fell's Pov:

After a couple minutes of awkward silence, Blue basically kicked us out.... in a nice way...

After we left we both decided to split for two reasons: We both had our own AUs to deal with, and we really needed to think about what Blue had told us.

Honestly, I didn't know what I thought about the situation besides the fact that I wanted to totally kidnap Error and force him to answer all my questions. But every time I thought about it, I felt really bad. Error must have lost his bro a long time ago... and none of us bothered to even care. It's no wonder he's always angry and refuses to talk sense or even care! He's a mess!

A mess that I wanted to get to know better.

I walk down the path to the RUINS that the human usually uses. The snow had stopped, but none of it melted. That was sortuf why they called this place Snowdin. Heh, have you ever noticed the entire name was a pun?

Snowdin: Snowed in: Snowdin: Snowed in. Get it? It's basically the same thing. My bro hates it with all his non-existent guts though. He had once tried to change it, and totally failed.

'Heh. So, basically what had happened was-' A small red blob covered in a thin layer of snow caught my eye, interrupting my thoughts.

I walk over to it and brush the thin layer of snow off of it, then I lean down to get a better look at it. It was a red sweater that looked alot like mine, but can't possibly be mine.

Even thought I could not see the blood that stained the sweater, I could definitely smell it. The sweater also had a couple holes in it, plus some burns, and then ink stains. INK stains. Made out of all the dangerous colors that Ink used when he had taught some of the sans's extra fighting techniques. The same scary colors Ink throws at Error everytime he catches Error destroying AUs.

It was now obvious who's this sweater belonged to.

But why was it not with its owner??

All the worst possible scenarios popped into my head. I pushed the really bad ones aside and focused on the most important. There was a 99% chance that Error was somewhere in Underfell.... Hopefully just drunk or something.... And possibly shirtless.....

I immediately slapped myself.

'Ugh! Why did it have to be MY AU?!'

I drop the sweater back into its place, kicking some snow up so that it covers the red sweater.

I then shortcut to Grillby's, seeing it as the best place to get drunk.

third person's Pov:

But little did Fell know, his calculations where 99% wrong. 

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now