chapter eleven: interrogation.

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3d person's Pov:

At Dreamtale meeting place(?):

Sanses of all kinds were sitting around a table, their usual meeting table. Ink, the creator, sat at one end of the table. Listening to all the confusion that was racing across the room. 'We need silents.' Ink thought as he stood up, ruffly slamming his fist on the table.


The room goes quiet.


Ink smiles; happy with the newfound attention. "Now, we all know that I, Ink, the creator, have finally captured Error, the destroyer. After all these years....... Am I correct?" every sans in the room nods.

"Ok then. Now, the destroyer is in custody at the moment so we are free to take turns questioning him, and only questions. You all have only one question to ask, so choose your words wisely. Answers and questions will be recorded. Got it?" Ink states proudly. Again, all the sanses in the room nod, as whispers glide across the room.

"Um... Ink?" Dream whispers, trying to gain the attention of the creator.

"Yes?" Ink sits down, turned so that he was facing the small god of dreams.

"How are we going to get Error to.... Ya' know... actually answer our questions?"

Ink smiles, "Don't worry, as the god of creation, I to have some tricks up my sleeve."

Error's Pov:

I wake up with a gasp.

'....what....happened.....' I think as I look around, only to see that I was in a completely cement room. A metal door is placed right in front of me. I try to move towards it, or at least stand up, but I couldn't. Ropes of all colors and sizes tied me down to a... chair? Wait, wait...a office chair..? I could not tell. I couldn't turn around, the ropes held me in place; only facing the door.

'Arn't office chairs supposed to spin or something?' I try spinning in the office chair, and with a funny squeaking sound in response, I was successful.

'Only facing the door my butt.' I smile. I start spinning around on my office chair and study the cement room a little more. On the opposite side of the door was a metal bed, that seemed to have been striped of everything but the mattress. And on the top corner above the door was a security camera. A camera.

Oh, how I hated being watched. It was the worst. But what made this time even worse was the fact that I could not make who ever that was watching me stop. I could not chase them away, nore could I confront them. I could not see them, but they could see me.

'I wonder who would have the guts to cage me?' I think sarcastically, even through I already knew who it was.

Of coarse Ink had finally found a way to get a hold of me, his sudden stop in creation was probably all an act to get me relaxed or off guard. What really made me angry was the fact that I had just let it happen. I let my guard down, I took a second to relax.

I try moving into a more comfortable position as I continue to think about what I could have done to avoid this.

Suddenly, theirs a loud bainging on the other side of the door. I jump in surprise. The door then opens, and Ink walks into my small room. "Hello.... Error."

"SUp." I say sarcastically.

"Error, I'm being serious."

"And I'm stiLl tiEd to An officE chAir."

"I know. . .  Im alone." (Error x who ever the heck I want.)Where stories live. Discover now