[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 4

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When turning around the corner, Cong Xia suddenly said.

"Do you think that pine tree... will attack other people?"

"I'm not sure."

"So... Shouldn't we give other people a warning sign? There are still people on the road."

Cheng Tianbi stopped and looked down at him condescendingly.

"You are still not in your right mind, are you?"

Cong Xia was stunned. Cheng Tianbi approached him one step closer.

"It has been 18 hours since the earthquake. The size of the pine tree has enlarged by more than four hundred times, and it has not stopped. Do you know what it means?"

This sentence was the longest one that this soldier had said since the two men first met each other. Cong Xia once thought that he suffered from language impairment, however, this interrupting sentence had already revealed their situation.

Cong Xia knew that his thinking had not been adjusted from the mindset of a world of peace and prosperity. He still felt that everything that happened was a nightmare. He even held onto a fantasy that after a period of time, the crisis would pass, and the society would gradually return to normal. After all, in the history of humanity, there were countless catastrophic disasters. How could the status of human beings, as someone who occupied and dominated the planet, fall to pieces by just an earthquake?

However, even he knew in his heart that based on the speed of evolution of these animals and plants, as long as this phenomenon did not stop, took the pine tree as an example, at this time tomorrow, the entire building would not be able to hold its body, its root system would plant nearly 100 meters deep, the pine needles that it shook off could pierce and turn any living things near it into a sieve.

This is the reality.

This is the reality!

The act of him wanting to establish a warning sign to prevent pedestrians from coming near the tree was completely meaningless. As long as evolution did not stop, human beings would soon have little space to survive in this city. He couldn't help anyone, he couldn't even guarantee his own safety. Cong Xia clenched his fist.

"You're right. I also want to be clear as soon as possible, and you must help me. You obviously know much more than me, nevertheless, you refuse to tell me. Why? I don't want to go without knowing anything. I intended to stay here for a lifetime anyway! You tell me what you know, or you will have to knock me out. I can see that you can talk just fine, but still want to keep me uneasy."

Cheng Tianbi squinted his eyes and looked at him.

"I can just leave you here, you won't live pass three days."

"There must be some reasons why you have to take me with you, or else you wouldn't have come."

The more information he got, the greater the chance he could survive, even if this Mr. Soldier might beat him, he would still took a gamble.

Cheng Tianbi looked at him coldly. He put the backpack on the ground, opened the zipper, and Cong Xia looked down, what's a badass! The military travel bag was full of weapons. Cheng Tianbi took out a pistol and a dagger and handed to Cong Xia.

Cong Xia hesitated for a moment, and he took it. It was the first time he touched a real gun. It felt very heavy in his hand. He was a little nervous. He was afraid that others would see it. He wanted to quickly put it into his clothes, but found that there was no suitable place to put it into. In the summer, he only wore a T-shirt and jeans. He couldn't put it directly into his trouser pocket, the gun grip would just be exposed. Cheng Tianbi frowned and took the pistol back.

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