[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 18

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The two men found the exclusive area for mountain climbing products and found that it had been turned upside down. There were not many pairs of shoes left, especially warm shoes and the like. However, there were still some clothes left. Because obviously when the temperature suddenly dropped, down jackets and cotton clothes could keep warm much better. It was the summer at the moment, so there was no such kind of clothes in the mall at all.

Most people didn't know that the more the weather changed, the more important the heat-proof and moisture-proof clothes were compared to the simple cold-proof clothes. Mountain climbing clothes had the function that Cheng Tianbi needed the most - moisture-proof. Once the inner clothes got wet, it would accelerate the consumption of human body heat, which was very dangerous. Before each mission, they would prepare appropriate equipment in accordance with different environments. Now it was not only for the mission, but also for survival. He must try to be fully prepared in details as much as possible.

After searching for a long time, the two men finally found a complete set of outdoor outfit. After changing, they felt a little lighter thanks to the light clothing and shoes.

They went around again, looking for something useful. In an store for outdoor products, Cong Xia found a crossbow hanging on the wall.

"Wow, this thing is so cool."

Cheng Tianbi came closer, took the crossbow and looked at it. The crossbow was about 30 cm long, not very large. The crossbow was beautifully made and decorated with dragon-shaped carves. The nature of it was more of a play thing than practicality. Normally, Cheng Tianbi would never look at this fancy thing twice, but it was very much needed now. It was more or less also a weapon.

"Find out if there are any arrows. I don't have many bullets. This is a good thing."

Cong Xia rummaged for a long time and only found one box of arrows in the original crossbow case, there were only six arrows. Cheng Tianbi put them in his bag.

When the two of them left this floor, Liu Fengyu was already gone, but the smell of his perfume was still lingering here and didn't disperse at all. Cong Xia said.

"What a weird man. He doesn't look hungry at all, he even has the mood to choose clothes."

Cheng Tianbi said.

"He must have something extraordinary, otherwise he wouldn't live so well."

"Yeah, I feel like the two of us have done quite well. At least we have something to eat every day, but he is just like before the apocalypse. I suspect he is a mutant."

"It's very likely."

Cheng Tianbi seemed like he was thinking something.

"His evolutionary ability should be a very powerful one, he looks even more well off than that person with the mutated hair."

"How many more evolutionary abilities that we don't know after all..."

Cong Xia lost in his own thought. Cheng Tianbi said.

"Don't think about it, we have more important things to do now."

"Well, yes, we have already said that today we would inquire more about the military and thought of a way to approach them. Those who distribute food are all ordinary soldiers. It seems like this method is not going to work."

"No, before that, let's eat."

Cong Xia's eyes lit up. It was noon now, they hadn't eaten anything yet. He immediately remembered the mantis's body.

"Yes, let's quickly eat it, it won't take long to go bad."

Cheng Tianbi threw out the corpse of the praying mantis and knocked on the green carapace with the military knife.

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