[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 27

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The car was moving particularly slowly.

According to Luo Yong, there were currently three Jiefang trucks for the mutants and their relatives, the rest were all military troops. There were about 40,000 citizens migrating with them, all of them were walking behind. This was a very large group.

Such speed made people extremely want to sleep. In that half asleep, half awake time, in the void created by the ancient jade, Cong Xia was absorbing knowledge as much as possible.

Although he hadn't found a chance to test the corpses of the mutated animals, he was basically certain that he could absorb the energy of the dead mutated species. No matter what kind of energy it was before it entered his body, after entering his body, it all became transparent. Cong Xia thought that this should be the non-elemental energy mentioned by the ancient jade.

Although the energy was transparent, he could still feel it. The energy was like the air to him. It was inside and outside his body. It existed between his every breath and heartbeat, it could be said that it was everywhere. Cong Xia even came up with a bold thought that the energy fluctuation caused by earthquake, the energy that made species around the world crazily mutated, could it be this so-called "non-elemental energy"?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt like this could be the case.

Originally, all things in the world revolved around the rule of the five elements. Each cell of the Earth's species, without an exception, was composed of the five elements. The five elemental energy structured this world. However, now there was this mysterious and powerful ancient jade telling him that in addition to the five elemental energy, there was another thing in the world called the non-elemental energy. This energy was different from the five elemental energy, but was also closely related to them. According to the ancient jade, the energy that he currently absorbed from other dead species was transformed into the non-elemental energy after entering his body. However, absorption was only one of the methods to refine the non-elemental energy. The very first method of refining energy that the ancient jade mentioned was cultivating, just like what Cheng Tianbi was doing, utilizing the energy roaming in nature, storing and filling up one's own energy core little by little. When the energy core was filled up for the first time, it would enter the energy core's second stage of purity, which was Fusion. This was the conservative cultivation method mentioned in the ancient jade.

In order to absorb the roaming energy in nature and purify one's own non-elemental energy core, there must be one condition here, which was that there must be non-elemental energy in nature.

However, the non-elemental energy did not exist among the five elements, in other words, this energy did not belong to the original world, it belonged to the apocalyptic world. Therefore, Cong Xia boldly guessed that the energy wave released during the earthquake was the non-elemental energy! It was this non-elemental energy that disrupted the operating pattern of everything in the world, it had single-handedly caused global species to evolve in a wild and chaotic manner.

The non-elemental energy was very likely to have contributed to the second Cambrian Period and was the culprit that caused the end of mankind.

In order to confirm his own thoughts, Cong Xia worked tirelessly to comprehend the obscure contents in these ancient books. Gradually, he obtained the content that he wanted from those lines of words. Even if the ancient jade did not blatantly say that there was non-elemental energy everywhere in nature, it did mention the awakening of something. After the awakening of this thing, the non-elemental energy would follow and start roaming in nature, so that the heirs of the ancient jade could cultivate.

The ancient jade called this awakening thing 'consciousness'.

Just simply a word, no detailed explanation was given. Cong Xia read a lot of contents back and forth, the ancient jade indeed did not elaborate. The focus of the ancient jade was to teach him how to cultivate and how to use the non-elemental energy to restore 'my clan'. However, the cause of the deterioration of 'my clan' was never mentioned.

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