[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 26

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Cong Xia ran to Liu Fengyu's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother Liu, are you OK? Your expression does not look very good."

Red, Liu Fengyu's energy was red, but just like before, it still couldn't be absorbed.

The natural force of the wind of Cheng Tianbi belonged to the Wood element. The energy of Wood was green. The Rafflesia belonged to the Fire element. The energy of Fire was red, then it could basically be determined that the golden energy of the long haired man was the Metal element. All the mutated humans, animals and plants belonged to one of the five elements. Cong Xia really wanted to know what colors the Earth energy and the Water energy were, because the energy of the five elements "looked" exceptionally beautiful. When he observed these kinds of energy, it was as if he was observing the pattern of life. Liu Fengyu looked at his hand and sighed.

"Just a while ago, I melted that man's wrist with the digestive fluid."

"Yes, I saw it. That is a very terrifying power."

"At that moment, I felt... a sense of satisfaction like when I eat something."

"Eat something?"

"Yes, I told you that I was eaten by the Rafflesia. After the hybridization, the Rafflesia's consciousness and my consciousness became one, only that its consciousness is rather weak. However, there is still a desire to "eat" other animals. Although I can live without eating, but... Damn it, I really don't want to fill my stomach like that, it's dirty and disgusting. "

Cong Xia sighed.

"It's gonna be fine as long as you can suppress that kind of desire."

Otherwise, this street which is full of living people...

At first, he was quite envious of Liu Fengyu not having to worry about filling his stomach, but it seemed that Liu Fengyu also had his own problem. He certainly didn't want to turn into a cannibal flower that wanted to eat everyone. Even if it was simply a desire, it could still make people frightened.

When the three men returned to the square, it was already full of people. However, the people were moving towards the outskirts of the city. They forced their way through the crowd. It took them more than half an hour to get to the front of the crowd where they found the car that the battalion commander Wang was in.

The battalion commander Wang arranged them to stay in a large Jiefang truck [1], he also said.

"Most of of the people in this truck are mutants, you will be safer staying with them."

Cong Xia asked.

"Commander Wang, with so many cars like that, is the fuel enough to reach Beijing? Moreover, many roads are damaged now."

"I know. We have planned a route that will pass by some large gas stations. There should be some gasoline left in those gas stations. We can only take one step at a time. If we can't make it through, we can only abandon the cars."

When the three men got on the back of the truck. There were already a dozen of people in the truck. Some were chatting, some were sitting silently in the corner and not talking at all. There were even some people who took their families with them.

Seeing the three of them got on the truck, some of them who had evolved to a rather high level could already feel the evolutionary energy on Liu Fengyu and Cheng Tianbi. However, this truck was basically full of mutants and their families, so no one showed any special expressions. It was actually Cheng Tianbi and Liu Fengyu's extraordinary looks that made the people look at them a few extra times.

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