[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 24

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When the sun was shining brightly on the next day, Liu Fengyu came knocking on their door.

"Xiao Xia, accompany this young master to the mall."

The two men actually got up quite early and it just happened that they had just done packing their things. When he saw Cheng Tianbi pulled a long face, Cong Xia felt that Cheng Tianbi was a little annoyed with Liu Fengyu, so he said.

"I'll go with him. I had promised him yesterday after all. You wait for me, I will be back in an hour."

Cheng Tianbi's expression was gloomy, he carried the backpack on his back.

"We go together."

There were more and more dangerous things outside. There was no way he could feel at ease when Cong Xia went by himself. This guy Liu Fengyu was even more unreliable. Cong Xia was laughing up his sleeve. Mr. Soldier still rather cared about him.

In contrast to the two of them who each had a backpack, Liu Fengyu had nothing but the clothes on his body. It was quite hard for Cong Xia not to envy someone who didn't have to worry about food and clothes like him. Cong Xia asked.

"You really don't need to eat anything and still don't feel hungry at all?"

"I can still eat, but I won't feel hungry even if I don't. It doesn't affect anything. However, I still want to eat delicious food."

Liu Fengyu let out a long sigh.

A great hobby of Cong Xia's life was to cook good food. He was the type of person who would study meticulously anything that he liked. Because he spent quite a bit effort on gourmet food, so when he thought about the food that he previously had everyday and then the compressed biscuits, the bread, the worms and the mice that he currently had, he really wanted to cry. Who wouldn't want to eat delicious food, even if it was just the normal, fresh food.

This topic was too depressing, neither of them wanted to continue. They walked out of the headquarter and found that the outside of the headquarter was full of people. The weeds didn't even need to be cleaned every day. They were all trampled by the crowd. The battalion commander Wang Lian was shouting with a megaphone.

"Comrades who want to follow us, please gather at the square, please don't stop here, please gather at the square!"

The three men pushed the crowd aside and desperately squeezed through. As a result, someone recognized Liu Fengyu.

"Oh? Isn't that the movie star?"

"Don't even have anything to eat and you're still observing celebrities!"

"What do you mean by observing? It was him who he appeared in front of me."

Liu Fengyu adjusted his hairstyle and formed a smile. He was used to the life of being revolved around by other people. After the apocalypse arrived, everyone couldn't even fill their stomachs, obviously they didn't have the mood to pay attention to things that were not important. At this time, being recognized as a big movie star, Liu Fengyu somewhat retrieved some glory he used to have.

Cong Xia looked at his cocky expression and couldn't help but feel amused, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud, so he could only restrain it. The three men managed to squeeze through the crowd and walked towards the big mall.

There were a pair of gloomy eyes behind them, he kept staring at them and then slowly said.

"Follow them."

The square was already full of people, waiting for an evacuation order from the military so they could follow. The big shopping mall was right next to the square. After accompanying Liu Fengyu to pick the clothes, they could go directly to the battalion commander Wang.

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