[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 20

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After the group brought Liu Fengyu back to the headquarter, Wang Lian called for the doctor. The doctor examined for a while and said that he was only temporarily unconscious. It was not a big deal. Then he asked a few soldiers to use the tweezers to help him pull out the pine needles on his body.

After pulling out one pine needle, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. The pine needle was five or six centimeters in length. It sunk into Liu Fengyu's body for at least three centimeters in depth. When they pulled one needle out, Liu Fengyu's body was left with a small bloody hole. There were at least fifty or sixty needles on one side of his body. Although they did not hit fatal places, the taste of being pierced like a hedgehog was unimaginable. Cong Xia picked up a pine needle and sighed.

"It is twice longer in comparison with the beginning."

"When was the beginning?"

"On the second day of the earthquake, we passed by the pine tree. It was not that big at that time, but it had already started attacking people. At that time, the pine needles were only as long as the fingernails."

Zhao Qian touched his chin.

"This pine tree grew too fast. Within its attack range, no living creatures dared to approach. How could this person be so reckless? Moreover, he hasn't even died yet."

Another person said.

"There isn't any correlation between the disappearance of the big pine tree and this star, right?

"We will know when he wakes up."

"There are so many pine needles on his body, tsk, it must be extremely painful."

Cong Xia asked.

"Doctor, when can he wake up?"

"It's hard to say. I can't even tell the reason of his unconsciousness."

Wang Lian said.

"Wait a minute, comrade Cheng. At the moment, most of the communicating stations in the entire country have been abandoned due to various reasons. It is also difficult for us to contact Beijing. Right now, the communication resources are almost as scarce as food. I don't have the authority to let you use them. You can only wait until the commander returns. You two can take a rest at the headquarter for the time being. Xiao Liu, you arrange a dormitory for them and get them some food."

At the moment, being provided the most fundamental food was already a very high grade of hospitality. Cong Xia thought about the fact that he could eat normal food for human. He was so craving for it and it made his mouth water.

Xiao Liu took them to an office room that was converted into a dormitory. The office room was very small. There were simply two camp beds arranged inside. He then handed them two vacuum-packed bags of bread and two bottles of water.

"I'll come to notify you again when there's any news."

After Xiao Liu left, the two men sat on the beds and started eating the bread. Because they had just eaten the mantis meat, they were not very hungry. Small bites after small bites, Cong Xia cherishably chewed the butter-scented bread. He felt like it was the world's most delicious food. If it was not for the fact that after opening, it could not be preserved, he really wanted to keep it for tomorrow.

After Cheng Tianbi finished eating bread, he sat with his legs crossed on the bed, closed his eyes and breathed steadily.

Cong Xia knew that he was training. He could see with his naked eyes that there was slight wind surrounding around Cheng Tianbi's body, it was gently blowing the tips of his hair and the corners of his clothes.

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