[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 17

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Cheng Tianbi's pupils instantly enlarged. When the praying mantis swung its blade-like leg, it created waves of wind. All of which resembled threads and were clearly displayed in front of Cheng Tianbi's eyes. He could follow the wave motion of the wind and get a hold of the leg's movement trajectory.

It was just that being able to see was one thing, responding was another. The speed of the praying mantis was terrifyingly quick. Even if Cheng Tianbi had much better physical capability than ordinary people, in addition, it was also clearly enhanced after his evolution, but compared to this praying mantis, which had evolved to be a hundred times faster than him, his neural response was still slower!

Cheng Tianbi had no time to raise his gun, no time to draw a knife, even no time to think. He suddenly raised his arm. He felt as if he was holding an imaginary knife in his hand and ruthlessly struck towards the mantis.

There was a resonating clanging sound of blades collided with one another!

Cong Xia suddenly turned around, he then saw the emerald green mantis flying backwards three or four meters and slammed on the grass.

The next second, Cheng Tianbi hurriedly rushed forward, took out the military knife with one hand and forcefully stabbed down. Cong Xia only heard a thump, there was no other movement.

Cong Xia was stunned right at his place for a few seconds, then he also approached him. Cheng Tianbi sat on the ground, his right hand was shaking slightly. Cong Xia squatted down next to him.

"Are you okay? You scared me to death, since when did this mantis follow after us?"

When he looked at the struggling praying mantis which had been pierced through the stomach and pinned on the ground by Cheng Tianbi, he still felt terrified. Cheng Tianbi touched his sweaty forehead.

"Can this thing be eaten?"

Cong Xia looked at the praying mantis.

"I really don't know, but it has grown so big, it should somewhat have some meat. Why do you look so tired?"

"I have just used evolutionary energy."

Cong Xia happily said in surprise.

"Wow, I told you, this thing was so fast, how could you defeat it? Your evolutionary ability has increased. Quick, tell me what had happened just now."

"I felt that in my hand, the wind could take any shapes that I wanted."

Cheng Tianbi stepped on the mantis's body and pulled out the military knife.

"Just a moment ago, I wanted to pull out the knife, it was too late, so the wind in my hand turned into a blade, like this."

Cheng Tianbi made a gesture of holding the knife, but his palm was empty. He didn't even wait for Cong Xia to make any responses, Cheng Tianbi waved his hand, a rush of strong wind moved forward. With his naked eyes, Cong Xia could only barely capture a gleam of white light, immediately after that, he felt a chill passing by his neck, the tip of his hair was neatly cut and lightly fell on his shoulders like feathers.

Cong Xia froze for about three seconds, he was petrified.

Had the chill that passed by his neck just a moment ago been two centimeters closer, he would have shared the same fate with the leader!

When Cong Xia came back to his own self, he shouted out loud.

"What have you done! You freaking scared me to death, you weren't afraid that you would hit me?"

Cheng Tianbi didn't take his complaint seriously at all, he simply shook his head.

"I won't make mistakes."

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