[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 23

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The two sorted out their own things, then planned to go downstairs to find Liu Fengyu. The chief of staff Zhao was right. One more mutant meant they would have more strength. They were not heroes, they couldn't save everyone, but if it was within their ability and in the condition that their safety was not affected, they should be able to help others, like the family of three a few days ago. If helping them was as easy as lifting a hand, was there any other reasons not to lend a helping hand to their fellow citizens?

After they went downstairs, they found that Liu Fengyu was planning to leave. Cong Xia hurriedly approached.

"Mr. Liu, do you intend to go somewhere?"

"I don't know, but what needed to be asked has already been asked. There is nothing to eat or drink here. Why would I stay here?"

"Do you know that the military plans to go to Beijing tomorrow?"

"I know."

"Then you won't go with us?"

"Of course I will, my home is in Beijing. I want to go back to look for my parents."

Liu Fengyu changed his usual non serious expression. The expression on his face was really gloomy.

"Great, we can be partners on the road then."

Cong Xia said fawningly. Liu Fengyu glanced at him and laughed.

"Kiddo, you are quite delightful, aren't you. Alright, I'll let you follow me. If there is any danger, I will protect you."

Cong Xia smiled.

"Thank you."

"However, you need to be more hardworking. Now accompany me back to the mall. I want to get something."

"Ah, clothes and perfume?"

"Of course, although they're a bit out of season, nevertheless, they don't cost money, it would be such a waste not to take them. Let's go. You accompany me."

Cheng Tianbi coldly said.

"No, it's dangerous outside, especially after the sun goes down. If you want to go, go by yourself."

"Humph! I didn't ask you to go with me, I mean... Hey, what's your name?"

"It's Cong Xia. Cong in Cao Cong, which means underbrush, Xia in Xia Tian, which means summer. He's called Cheng Tianbi, which means the barrier of the sky, very cool, right?"

Liu Fengyu rolled his eyes.

"Xiao Xia, you just need to go with me and help me carry things."

Cheng Tianbi spoke in a more serious tone.


"Are you looking for a fight? What is your relationship with Xiao Xia? Is he your son or your wife? Hey, I'm asking you."

Cheng Tianbi's face became more gloomy. Cong Xia quickly smoothed things over.

"Please don't fight. Mr. Liu, I'll go with you tomorrow during the day, okay? It's indeed quite dangerous at night, there is no light at all. Think about it, it's not so convenient to pick clothes with the light of a flashlight. What if we make mistakes about the color, don't you agree?"

Liu Fengyu laughed.

"Kiddo, you really know how to talk. You're even better than my assistant."

Liu Fengyu sighed.

"I don't even know where he is now."

Cong Xia quickly said.

"Let's go back to the room and have a chat."

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