[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 25

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Cong Xia' face became very pale, he didn't dare to imagine how strong that thick and firm arm was. If that punch hit his face, he would be immediately finished.

He turned around and quickly ran away. At first, he thought that this man was just getting stronger, so he would be fine if he wasn't caught up with. He didn't expect that as he ran for two steps, he sensed that there was wind behind him. As he turned his head around, he saw that the thigh muscles of the little man also burst his pants open. His speed skyrocketed, he would catch up with him very soon.

Could this be considered muscle evolution? It should be. If it was merely speed enhancement, thigh muscles which are that large would affect the speed instead. It should be that the muscle evolution led to speed improvement. However, even if his speed only increased slightly, it was already a piece of cake for him to catch up with him.

He couldn't believe that he still had the mood to study the muscles of his enemy!

"Cong Xia! Get down!"

Liu Fengyu shouted out loud. Cong Xia responded quickly and hurriedly dropped to the ground. He only heard a loud bang coming from behind him. Cong Xia was covering his head as he turned around. He saw that the little man was hurled away by a bright red tongue-like thing. The stench immediately filled the air.

"Fuck, what smell is that? So stinky!"

Someone shouted. Cong Xia looked at Liu Fengyu in shock, he was watching as the red "tongue" shrank and turned into Liu Fengyu's arm...

What... is that?

Liu Fengyu had already approached the little man and grabbed his arm. Cong Xia clearly saw that there was a circle of black prickles appeared on Liu Fengyu's palm. When he grabbed the little man's arm, the little man screamed in pain. Melted fat and flesh was dripping down where they came into contact. It looked extremely terrifying. When the arm was melted to the point that the bones could almost be seen, Liu Fengyu threw him away.

"Fuck, I told you I didn't want to kill anyone because honestly, this is... too disgusting!"

He fiercely turned his head around and stared at the bearded man who thought that he would rush over his place and therefore stopped in fear.

"Do you want to fucking die?"

Before Cong Xia had a chance to study Liu Fengyu carefully, the fighting situation of Cheng Tianbi attracted his attention once again.

The long haired man had turned into a ball of hair. The most frightening thing was that the hair ball could become hard or soft. When it was hard, it could poke humans like a hedgehog. When it was soft, it was a sturdy armor. This made it really difficult for Cheng Tianbi to attack as well as defend.

However, Cheng Tianbi's fighting ability played a great role at this time. No matter how the long haired man had evolved, he was just an ordinary person before. His speed had not evolved, his fighting skills would not suddenly exist. Even though his whole body was the weapon, yet he could only attack in a random and chaotic manner. On the other hand, Cheng Tianbi was a well-trained special force agent. In addition, he belonged to China's most secret special force. He was the most elite special force agent that had gone through a lot of screening tests. Whether it was the fighting skills, the actual combat experience or the reaction speed of the nerve, his was much better than that of the long haired man. Although the long haired man appeared to be terrifying, every single one of his attack moves had been avoided by Cheng Tianbi.

After Cheng Tianbi had become familiar with his attack pattern, he started to look for opportunities to retaliate. When the long-haired man became furious and rushed towards him, he took this opportunity and swung the dagger as usual. Just like before, the long-haired man was still really confident and wanted to use his body that was covered in thick hair to block him. The thickness of the hair might be even thicker than a human fist at the moment when Cheng Tianbi attacked. Common daggers were not enough to pierce through, even if they could pierce through, the wounds caused by them would be extremely minor.

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