[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 13

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Cheng Tianbi frowned.

"What kind of core?"

Cong Xia shook his head and said.

"I don't know, this ancient jade mentioned a lot of things about energy. The energy revolves around the five elements. Wind belongs to the element Wood. You evolved the wind energy, so there must be element Wood in your body. If you can sense the so-called 'core', then this ancient jade can help us."

Cheng Tianbi looked at the jade suspiciously. He did as Cong Xia said, he closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

"Adjust the breathing frequency, the slower the better, and then try to find the wind energy in your body, follow that energy and observe the way it circulates in your body, just like the heart supports the blood circulation, you may also have something like that inside your body to support the cycle of energy."

Cheng Tianbi calmed down, adjusted his breathing frequency and in an attempt to feel the changes in his body in his consciousness.

There was indeed an extra source of energy in his body, which was the source of his wind power. Moreover, this energy was very weak. If he threw a punch, it would exhaust instantly. If this energy could be enhanced through training, it would be a very powerful power!

In the dark place, there was no sound except the breathing sound of the two men and the cricking sound of the insects.

Neither of them spoke, Cong Xia was waiting. Cheng Tianbi tried to sense the source of that energy over and over again.

No one knew how long had passed, Cheng Tianbi suddenly felt a strong wave of energy at his energy center. He focused all of his attention to that place. Gradually, he "saw" a green sphere appeared there, the volume of the sphere was very small and there was a cloud of green mist rotating around it. It looked muddy at the first glance. A small amount of green energy flowed from his green sphere to his body.

Is this the energy core?!!

Cheng Tianbi opened his eyes. Cong Xia quickly shouted.

"Did you feel anything?"

"Not sure, but I "saw" the spot where the energy gathered together and then flowed out, maybe it's the energy core that you have said."

Cong Xia excitedly said.

"It's very possible! I have read relevant papers on the research about the 5 elements and it said that everything in the world was composed of the 5 elements. The human body is no exception. Every cell and every hair of the human body contains one or more of the 5 elements. When a particular element of the five elements in the human body is strong, his attributes would incline towards that element, but the gap between each element would not be too large, otherwise the balance of the human body would be broken, causing death. But those papers also made assumptions that if a person's five elements were seriously imbalanced but he was not dead, it was very likely to create a superhuman, because when one of the five elements was exuberant to a certain level, the human body could sense that element in nature and control that energy. The things mentioned in this ancient jade enlightened me. Without it, I wouldn't have associated your evolution with this aspect."

"You mean, the direction of my evolution is to control the natural force of wind?"

Cong Xia nodded and said excitedly.

"Is this the evolution of human beings? If a lot of humans can gradually evolve these powerful abilities, then we can maintain the continuity of our race in the apocalypse."

Cheng Tianbi said.

"If this idea is correct, then maybe humans can evolve to control the energy of the five elements and the derived energy of the five elements."

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