[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 15

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Their hope was smashed after traveling for more than ten kilometers.

The foundation of the highway was arched by wildly growing vegetation. Several cracks of various different widths appeared on the originally smooth and leveled road surface. Some cracks were as deep as four or five meters. Cars couldn't get through, let alone people.

Cong Xia stood in front of the big cracks and sighed heavily.

"Should we take a detour?"

Cheng Tianbi shook his head.

"It's useless. Even if we assume that the roads in other places have not become like this, I'm afraid that we still won't be able to find that airport if we take a detour. My navigation map is updated when there are satellite signals. We cannot change the route."

Cong Xia was clutching his hair in distressed.

"Mr. Soldier, we're not going to last long. We, everyone else, it's all the same."

Cheng Tianbi slowly clenched his fists. On the fourth day of the apocalypse, most of the communication systems and infrastructure had been out of service. At present, the only one that still worked normally was drinking water system, which probably was because the automation of the water supply system was relatively advanced. Furthermore, the entire Kunming city was not completely without governmental control, people could live without electricity and internet. Even without food, they could still eat wild grasses to make do for a few days, but without water, the riots of hundreds of people in such a large city would have unimaginable consequences.

He was afraid that currently the government and the army were probably risking their lives to maintain the water supply system.

But until when it could last?

In another two or three days, due to nutritional deficiency and unpredictable weather, the weaker like elderly people, women and children would die in large numbers. At the same time, panic and epidemic would spread the entire city. Cong Xia could predict that within a week, the city's population would reduce by at least 30%, excluding his fellow citizens who had become food for the mutated animals and plants.

Cong Xia knew that he shouldn't concern about other people. He couldn't even escape this place, but when imagining about facing so many deaths like that, he was uncertain if he could bear it.

Cheng Tianbi pulled Cong Xia up from the ground.

"Let's go back."

Where to go back was obvious. Except for returning to Kunming, they had no other way. Compared to sleeping in the wilderness, the city could at least provide warm clothing and shelter from the wind and the rain. Cong Xia asked.

"Are we just giving up?"

Cheng Tianbi started the car and went backwards the same way they had taken.

"No, we have to find a way to contact the army. Maybe they can help us."

Cong Xia nodded.

"This is indeed a solution. By the way, which Beijing's military region do you belong to? What mission that you come to Yunnan to execute?"

Cheng Tianbi nonchalantly said.

"Ask less."

Cong Xia did not back off because of his attitude at all. Instead, he became interested.

"Why can't I ask? Which one I can't ask, the prior or the latter? If it's the latter, I can understand, but if even the prior can't be discussed... Wow! You wouldn't be the legendary super secret special force dedicated to special tasks, would you?"

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