[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 29

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By the time when Cheng Tianbi and Cong Xia were so full that they could no longer take more in, there was only half of the big chicken leg left. Only at this time that Liu Fengyu started to eat.

He ate while Cong Xia continued to grill for him. The three of them had not experienced this feeling of fullness and satiation for a long time. They all hoped that such a good day would last longer.

Liu Fengyu's stomach was also limited, he was soon full. Cong Xia looked at the remaining meat with pity.

"We shouldn't take so much like that, we have no way to preserve it. It's too wasteful. We might as well leave it to the dog."

Liu Fengyu said.

"It will not be wasted."

"Hm? Aren't you unable to eat anymore?"

"My belly can't take more, but ..."

Liu Fengyu put his palm on the meat, the meat was like it was in a frying pan. It was making buzzing sound, then the chicken was slowly melting at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

The digestive droplets secreted from Liu Fengyu's palm fell onto the grass, the grass was immediately burned.

Cong Xia and Cheng Tianbi hurriedly covered their noses. The smell of roasted chicken which was floating around just now was replaced by a rotten smell.

Cong Xia's eyes widened, he was curious about Liu Fengyu's digestive function, but because it smelled so bad, he dared not to get too close, he could only watch without blinking an eye.

Liu Fengyu suddenly turned his head around to stare at him.

"Dare to say that word, I will beat you."

Cong Xia repeatedly waved his hands, he knew that Liu Fengyu had a bad temper, especially if he dared to say that he smelled, he would immediately explode. However, Cheng Tianbi said.

"So stinky, let's go first."

Liu Fengyu was so angry that he flung his hand in the direction of Cheng Tianbi. A dash of yellowish, stinky digestive fluid was shooting towards Cheng Tianbi. Cheng Tianbi fiercely jumped aside while took the military knife out.

"Don't, please don't."

Cong Xia was busy obstructing them.

"Don't be like this, please don't get angry. Brother Liu, you see, you are not only handsome but also powerful. This is only a small flaw. You don't, don't need to concern about it. Tianbi, how about we go back first. Brother Liu, you'll keep up with us later, won't you?"

Liu Fengyu was showing his teeth to Cheng Tianbi.

"When there's an opportunity, I'll let you take a look at my real form, I'll make sure that you'll kneel down on your knees and beg for mercy."

Cheng Tianbi coldly snorted.

"Then your stench can definitely spread 800 miles far."

"Quick, let's go!"

Cong Xia interrupted Cheng Tian loudly and hurriedly pushed to urge him to go back. Liu Fengyu snorted heavily.

Cong Xia turned around to look at him. Most of the chicken leg had been digested that the bone could be seen. This ability was truly terrifying. If Liu Fengyu wanted to harm them, he could take advantage of the time when they were off guard and melted down a layer of skin only by casually touching them.

As the two men had walked far enough, Cong Xia said while fear was still lingering in his heart.

"Tianbi, why do you hate him so much? He is actually okay, he's just a little spoiled."

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