[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 14

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The two men walked for two kilometers and finally got out of the lush bushes. They found themselves at the border of the city. Although this place used to be residential and commercial areas, it was now covered by overgrown plants. The entire city no longer had any trace of human. It looked like a city that had been abandoned for many years.

Who could believe that these changes happened within only three or four days.

Cong Xia sighed heavily. Looking at this city where he had lived for three or four years, he was quite upset.

The two of them entered the city. They wanted to look for food, if they couldn't then at least some water was also fine.

All the shops along the street were destroyed. Rotten food was everywhere inside and outside of the broken display windows. The weeds grew from the cracks of the floor tiles looked even taller than human calves. They had the feeling of walking in a primeval jungle.

They searched several stores and found nothing to eat. Instead, they found a few bottles of mineral water. Cong Xia also quickly found a pair of sports shoes. This shoes brand used to be easily worth over a thousand. In the past, he had always been hesitant to buy them. Now, no one picked them up even they were free. It seemed that apart from food, right now, everything else was not in shortage. Unfortunately, the scarcest one was also the most essential.

In order to find food, the two men rummaged through all shops on several streets. Before them, these places had been rummaged by hungry people, so they found absolutely nothing.

There was no other way, Cheng Tianbi began to use the military knife to pry open the trunks of the cars. There were many abandoned cars on the street. Maybe some people would put some emergency items in the trunks of the cars. The standard emergency kit should have vacuum-packed compressed biscuits.

They pried open more than sixty cars in the morning and eventually found an earthquake emergency kit in the trunk of a car. There were water, medicine bags, flashlights, raincoats and many more things inside. What delighted them the most was that there were indeed three packages of compressed biscuits inside. These three packages of compressed biscuits could provide enough energy for an adult to live for five to seven days.

Cong Xia picked up those packages of biscuits as if he was holding some rare treasures. The two men sat down on the side of the road, he carefully opened a package, broke the biscuits and handed the largest piece to Cheng Tianbi. He himself took a small piece and cherishably ate it piece by piece.

The compressed biscuits had no flavor, but it could fill the stomach pretty well. The stomach was basically almost full after a bottle of water following by eating the biscuits.

It took them not even a minute to finish a package of biscuits. It couldn't be saved for later after being opened anyway.

There were two remaining packages of biscuits. Cong Xia carefully put them into the jacket's inner pocket. These would be their ration for the next two days. Cheng Tianbi glanced at him.

"Are you full?"

"Yes, I'm full."

"Let's find a hardware store, we need some tubes."

"For what?"

"Collect gasoline."

Cheng Tianbi looked at the abandoned cars on the road.

"Whether the plane can take off or not, or it is still waiting for us or not, we still have to go to the airport to have a look."

The distance straight from here to the city center was still seven or eight kilometers. There were not too many cars on the road. If they left from here, they should be able to drive all the way to the airport. Cong Xia nodded.

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