[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 8

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When the two of them had just walked out of the supermarket, their attention was drawn by the noise outside. A group of citizens incitingly shouted and walked over here. Cheng Tianbi pulled Cong Xia, he was thinking about returning to the supermarket, but Cong Xia was pulled back by a middle-aged woman, she talked loudly into their ears.

"What are you looking for? There is nothing more that can be eaten now! We are all going to starve to death, the whole world is in chaos, the electricity is cut off, the water is also about to be cut, and the government is still not going to step forward to say anything. Come, let's go to the city hall!"

Cheng Tianbi grabbed and pulled Cong Xia back. He looked at the middle-aged woman coldly. That stare made the woman want to back off.

"You really won't go with us? The more people we have, the more powerful we are, so that at least the government will give us something to eat, or else in only two days, we can only eat grass. When we finally eat up the grass, we can only wait and starve to death."

Cheng Tianbi left without saying a word while still grabbing Cong Xia. Cong Xia took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

"The mobile phone has no signal. The network is definitely down. It's over, we have lost contact with the outside world."

Cheng Tianbi said.

"Don't worry about this, let's go to the airport as soon as possible."

"Now the main road is blocked by the cars, but the road may become clear after we are out of the city. At that time, we will find a way to get a car."

Cheng Tianbi nodded.

"Get out of the city first."

The two didn't dare to delay any longer, they were still always heading towards the entrance to the highway. However, their journey was not peaceful either. They continued to see the act of vandalizing and robbing happened. Who could imagine that at this time yesterday the city was still completely orderly and safe?

In just one day, the weeds made their way through the cracks of the tiles on the ground and grew higher than the human calves. The carefully cultivated trees grew like crazy. There were smashed windows and looted shops everywhere they went. When walking pass a street, they even saw a group of very large mice feasting on the body of a homeless man.

There were no no longer normal pedestrians on the street. The whole city was filled with the smell of decomposition and despair, it was truly a nightmare world.

The more they headed towards the direction of the entrance to the highway, the more people with luggage they encountered. It seemed that many people had the same idea like them and wanted to escape the city.

They spent two hours walking from the city center to the boundary of the city. After they got out of the main road, the number of cars that were stuck on the road became significantly less. Cheng Tianbi forced open the door of a car like a car thief on TV. He rubbed two wires to create a spark to start the engine. The two men got on the car and drove towards the direction of the highway.

This car had just a small amount of gas, and at the two gas stations that they saw along the way, there was no one in the stations, the fuel dispensers had been blocked by dozens of cars waiting to be refueled. In addition, those cars had been left behind.

There were only a handful of cars on the road. They had driven for four or five kilometers on the highway to the airport when the car was completely out of gas.

At this time, the sky was already dark. After a day on the road, Cong Xia felt unbearably exhausted. He looked at the highway that didn't have any stores or villages nearby and analyzed.

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