[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 19

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After a brief startled and stunned moment, the young soldier quickly responded.

"Are there any credentials? Let me have a look."

Cheng Tianbi took out the soldier ID and handed it to the soldier. However, the soldier ID showed that he was just an ordinary soldier of an infantry company. His real position was the state secret.

The soldier looked at Cheng Tianbi more than once. Overall, he always felt that this man's manner was not like that of an ordinary soldier, but he didn't ask much. He gave the document back to him and said.

"Kunming city is under the command of the general chief of staff of the XXth military region, chief Zhao. What did you ask this for?"

"I came to Yunnan for a special mission. I have the specially approved documents of the Xth military region. I have been in touch with your deputy commander Shen Wanjia before. Now I need to see chief Zhao."

"The document..."

"I can't let you see it."

Cheng Tian said with no expression on his face. The soldier hesitated for a little while and said.

"You wait for us here, I will report your name to the higher ups."

After the soldier left, Cong Xia sighed.

"Fortunately, our army hasn't become a mess."

Cheng Tianbi said.

"The army is the armed force of mankind that is the most organized, disciplined and has the ability to resist. It must not fall."

Cong Xia stared at his soldier ID.

"May I see it?"

Cheng Tianbi threw the ID to him. Cong Xia looked at it twice and said.

"This is not true."

Cheng Tianbi glanced at him.

"How do you know?"

"Based on the weapon that you brought, how could you be just an ordinary infantry? If you really were one, you might not even have the chance to touch these things, such as your type 95 rifle. I also saw that you had two flash grenades. Although I don't know much about weapons, I probably still know which one is the good stuff."

Cheng Tianbi refused to leave any comment. Cong Xia continued.

"Yet you said that you came to Yunnan for a special mission. I actually believe it must be a very confidential mission. Was it possibly related to the global evolution?"

Cheng Tianbi looked at him coldly.

"Shut up."

Cong Xia sighed, there was a bit loss in his eyes.

"Tianbi, we have been through life and death situations all the way to here. I thought there should be some trust between us, but you still hide so many things from me."

Cheng Tianbi said.

"If you want to know, ask Professor Cong in person."

Cong Xia thought about his second uncle and then thought about the whole thing before and after, he suddenly came up with an idea that made him feel chilled. He clenched his teeth and said.

"At least this one question, you should be able to answer me."


"I have always thought that the helicopter that you said was sent by my uncle to pick me up. Now when I think about it again, it must be my misunderstanding, the one that the helicopter is waiting for is you. I'm just a hitchhiker. You only accepted the request that my second uncle entrusted to you out of convenience, didn't you?"

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